Bottoms Up *** .... [gluttony; Friendly Night Out; Hangovers Etc.; Almost More Than Short; Humor] Poem by Bri Edwards

Bottoms Up *** .... [gluttony; Friendly Night Out; Hangovers Etc.; Almost More Than Short; Humor]

Rating: 4.0

A dear friend, and Bri, went out to a pub,
where late at night our shoulders did rub.
Oh! Nothing else rubbed, be assured, ......
but of course, for that, DON'T take my word.

We each polished off a six pack of Indian beer,
and before long our brains were NOT so clear.
So..... to ward off a citation from the police,
we each ate a huge sheet pizza......every piece!

A lot of curry powder was mixed with the cheese,
so much that Bri could not control his sneeze.
But Bri knew a surefire make it stop;
he ordered a whole mango pie with cream on its top.

Not to be outdone, his friend ordered a whole saffron cake.
Bri watched her eat the whole thing, for goodness sake!
A big burping and belching contest then did ensue,
and the other patrons, from near them, quickly withdrew.

Early next morning they both stumbled into their beds,
and, for hours, devils banged inside their guts....and their heads...
till both were urgently needing to their bathrooms to wend....
where the devils erupted from each one's top....AND bottom end.


Saturday, September 27, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: drinking
this was inspired by a comment from a PH friend who wishes to remain anonymous; can you blame her? ? ?

bri :)

***bottoms up!

informal humorous
› sometimes said by people in a friendly way just before drinking an alcoholic drink together
(Definition of bottoms up! from the Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
Ging Taping 28 September 2014

Drink moderately....

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Kanav Justa 28 September 2014

.. see, , thats why i tell you, , yo need to get rid of that pizza in your display pic, , , it's only going to make you sick, , , : D

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
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