Part ' A ' Of October 2017's Showcase …......[ Poems (Mostly) From P H Poets, With Links To The Poem Pages And Texts Of ‘ Not-Too-Long ‘- Poems ] Poem by Bri Edwards

Part ' A ' Of October 2017's Showcase …......[ Poems (Mostly) From P H Poets, With Links To The Poem Pages And Texts Of ‘ Not-Too-Long ‘- Poems ]

To my PoemHunter Friends, and other members who I may not know,
October's showcase may be SHORT, as interest is quite slow....
in raising its head in my Inbox or comments on September's.
I think this month's will be 'abbreviated'; no flames, just embers.

I'll try to warm you with the few embers, which soon may here appear.
But I MUST first finish this introductory poem, for Valsa G., my friend, dear.
She seems almost in awe of my rhyming ability in the 'intros',
but, damn, I'm sorry Valsa, I just cannot find a rhyme for 'intros'!

I've got one or two poems offered [I think one} for this month's showcase,
but I'll throw one new one of mine at you, ....trying to avoid your face.
And I'll either steal ['borrow'] a few more from some members,
or fill up the space with Nursery Rhymes: some of my childhood embers.

(September 30th 2017)


To learn more about my/our 'monthly' showcases, please refer to previous showcases, all found in my PH list of poems.


October's Poets:

1 - Is It Poetry
one poem, 'offered'

2 - Bri Edwards
one poem, 'offered'

3 - Laurie Van Der Hart
one poem, 'borrowed'

4 - Rod Mendieta
one poem, 'borrowed'

5 - Bharati Nayak
one poem, 'borrowed'

6 - Diane Hine
one, 'borrowed'

7 - Andy Brookes
one, 'borrowed'

8 -Spock the Vegan
one, 'borrowed'

9 - Ray Quesada
one, 'borrowed'

10 - Elena Plotkin
one, 'borrowed'

I think I'll stop here, UNLESS more poets 'offer' me a poem to use.

Ten is a nice 'round number'.

bri ;)


The Poems, or parts thereof, and their partial links. {{go to a recent showcase, Part A, to read in the Poet's Notes how to form the complete 'link' to any poem's page}}:

1 - Is It Poetry; 'offered'; topics: green;
partial link: /poem/the-bum-and-the-rocket-man/

The Bum And The Rocket Man

Like his one small hand in the dead pool tickling her blind face.
Can little hands represent tree's that are small
and malnourished**?

Portly and proud that a potty mouth throwing rocks across his
own land and Japan!
What would the bum do to U.S. if he could, is he
even now in the dark room, running small hands up the
skirt's of those who would not let him.

The big muscle that the other's have had, like a fast
moving stream passed him by.
What really is a sexual predator that would ignore the
word no, where other bum's in the streets would not.

Rocket man, oh dear, the rocket man is not in any way
like Elton John.
Elton John a friend to all men and women alike, I think
that the rocket man would kill Elton if he could.
The children of his proclaimed enemies he has ruthlessly killed.
Killing his own Uncle with an anti-aircraft round through the
window of his small head.

The bum and the rocket man are friends I think, we now know
mistakes by the good were made.
To undo them, would you if you could?
Making money by killing U.S. you now know!

In my dreams the bum climbed up on top of the rocket man
and flew up and off and the rocket explodes.
Leaving behind for U.S. a better world!
Where we use wind and not gas to get U.S. every where.

Copyright © James McLain | Year Posted 2017
Is It Poetry

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** Bri's Notes:
When I corrected IIP's spelling of 'malnourished', I ALSO misspelled it, but in a different way! 'Who' knew there was/is a 'u' in the word! I do not 'insist' on proper spelling etc. anymore, but I did make that one change; I'm sure iip would allow it!

AND, I think IIP's use of 'green', as a 'topic', is his way of 'thumbing his nose' at PoemHunter's insistence on a 'topic' to be given in order to submit a poem, a P H practice which started a few years ago. He has over 6,000 poems in his PH list!


2 - Bri Edwards: 'offered'; topic: none given as the poem is not in Bri's (my) PH list yet; partial link: also not given as it has not yet been assigned one yet! ! !

SO, you can only read about the first 25 lines [which is a little more than half of its length] of my poem here. Eventually I'll submit it for my list.

Bri's Mental Health Arrests …[ True; Suicide; Medium Length]

Twice I was 'mental-health arrest'-ed,
‘bout fifteen years ago.
It was like: 'The System' I had tested,
and 'The System' ‘acted' FAST, not SLOW.

[But NOT properly, in Bri's opinion! ]

I lived then in New York State.
I was a window clerk**.
I'd thought suicide could be my fate;
I said as much, like a ‘jerk'.

But I was NOT a jerk. Perhaps a bit depressed,
but I'd never ‘threatened',
nor tried, to kill myself. My mind was NOT messed ….
up! ! I'd mentioned …..

….that perhaps suicide would be the way I'd die.
I believe it still NOW.
I believed it then. It was not at all a lie.
BUT ‘The Law' did not 'allow' ….

me to say it, though 'that' was not quite true.
The cops*** went overboard.
The boys and girls in uniform, blue.
Perhaps, back then, the cops too were BORED? ?

I was NOT jailed, photographed, or searched,
but handcuffs hurt me, …..
when, on trip to hospital, ambulance lurched.
At least I wasn't charged a fee …..

[plus about 20 more lines, not shown here]

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Bri's Note:
When the poem is submitted I shall have the asterisk(s)
explained in my Poet's Notes. They can also be found in the 'Story' of this
showcase. ;)


3 - Laurie Van Der Hart; 'borrowed'; topics: conflict, foreigner; partial link: /poem/in-hindsight-2/

In Hindsight

In hindsight, I look back and try to put things right
Me on a bike, a subway, a man and a baby stroller
Coming my way; when he came into sight
I braked, stopped my bike and moved over
But he opened his mouth wide, and said:
(In his language)
'Are you not intelligent? Can you not read? '
And he lifted his arm up and pointed
To a sign to which cyclists should give heed

We were pretty close, face to face
Since the path was not very wide
I felt ashamed, not enjoying the disgrace
And so, in my language, I replied:
'I stopped for you, ' indicating the space
His eyes checked the sign and he realised,
I think, that I may not have understood
But, opening his mouth again, he chastised
Me, in my language, as well as he could:
'Are you stupeed? Do not you read? '

I got off my bike and said: 'I stopped for you.'
He shuffled past, I decided to proceed
On wheels, a dumb thing to do,
Which set off another yelling tirade
'Go to your home! ' he bellowed
Well, anyway, I wouldn't have stayed
I put my head down and rode
Away; a young couple out walking
Stood aside for me and cheerfully
Gave me a friendly greeting
And I smiled, rather shamefully

{plus MORE fine lines in the poem on the poem's page}

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Bri's Note:
Not wanting to include the whole text of 'long' poems, I have only given you the first half or so of Laurie's poem. Please see the rest at the poem's page.
Also, she uses the 'chiefly British' definition of 'subway', an underpass for pedestrians.


4 - Rod Mendieta; 'borrowed'; topic memories;
partial link: /poem/breadcrumbs-5/


The madman that sits on my chair
Picks up the breadcrumbs
From the coffee table
But leaves one for the wandering little ant
Who crosses the big checkered desert
With unwavering resolve.
He also fancies himself a scout of sorts
Foraging for lost memories
In the vast frozen desert
Of his withering mind
And wonders if a heartless controller
Ensconced in an Olympian summit
Has wiped away the last little scrap
Of a once lovingly treasured remembrance
With his unforgiving hand.

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Bri's Note:
Is the author the 'madman', sitting in his own chair?


5 - Bharati Nayak; 'borrowed'; topics: bird, memory, pet;
partial link: /poem/our-dear-parrot/

Our Dear Parrot

You stayed with me as a fond memory.
The green feathers and your chattering.
I know you were angry when we pulled your tail
and tormented you inside the cage.
But you were our mother's pet.
and you loved to be fed
with rice and milk by her hands.
The cage was shut from outside.
But you could easily open it from inside
and enjoy the pleasure of freedom at your own will

Like a child you loved my mother

showed your emotions

by spreading your wings and pecking

at her fingers

giving her

bits of your own food

It was pleasure to observe

the tenderness besotted with love.

You were part of our family

Loved and cared

But one day you flew away

Perhaps you wanted to discover

A world outside the cage

You did not come back

Perhaps you did not know

How to return

Perhaps you did not know

And would never know

We were crying

Mother and we



6 - Diane Hine; 'borrowed'; topics: none needed in the year of submission. Therefore, there is none given! ;
partial link: /poem/bird-life/

Bird Life

Perched upon an old wheelbarrow-
Scrutinizing Crow,
commentated long, on all he saw.
Feathered friends, who came to wallow,
splashing in the bird-bath hollow
disregarded Crow's bizarre guffaw.

'Are you starling, from the meadow'?
asked the puzzled crow.
'You fit the bill and yet I see a flaw'.
'Tail feathers, long and narrow,
sharp as swallow's twin-pronged arrow,
force me to admit, I'm quite unsure'.

'I'm the Swarling from the plateau',
one replied, 'Hello'.
'My plumage is unique and furthermore'-
'Meet my friend, the warbling Starlow,
nimble as a dancing shadow,
blessed with starling beak and swallow claw'.

'Preposterous'! said crow with gusto,
'strange imbroglio'.
'You must be one or other, it's the law'.
To which the enigmatic duo,
chirped a ringing manifesto.
Crow could think of nowt to say, but 'Caw'.

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Bri's Notes:
Diane is one of my favorite PH poets. But, alas, she seems to be inactive/missing, since 2015. But her poems are still available,307 of them. Our poems, too, may survive us.


7 - Andy Brookes; 'borrowed'; topic: sad;
partial link: /poem/i-m-only-human-6/

I'm Only Human

I work my fingers to the bone,
And I know I shouldn't moan.
Not get upset about my work,
If criticised by some jerk.

It's sad to say, my skin is thin,
Tough exterior, soft within.
I try so not to let it hurt,
When hit by a poem expert.

I know I have a lot to learn,
But cruel remarks, they just burn.
And you know I have no fear,
Of ever becoming like Shakespeare.

I write just whims, airy fancies,
Which people stab with their lances.
With their thrusts they put me down,
Making me feel like a clown.

But be it good or be it bad
Be it happy or maybe sad.
I have to say, right from the start
I try penning, from the heart.

So before you tear a strip,
Come out firing from the hip.
I'm only human, in the end,
So be kind and don't offend.


8 - Spock the Vegan; 'borrowed'; topics: accident, bullying, child abuse,
christmas, debt, drinking, flirtation, heaven, life, love;
partial link: /poem/lessons-for-life-2-2-way-abecedarian/

Lessons For Life 2 (2-Way Abecedarian)

Abandon Bigotry Completely
Babied Children Develop Egghead Fantasies
Coveting Destroys Eternal Families

Drinking Enslaves Fellows & Girls
Exercise Fixes Gut Hanging
Flirting Girls Have Incidents

Gentleness Helps Initiate Juncture
Heckling Initiates Jurisprudence
Indebtedness Jeopardizes Kinship

Juxtaposition Kindles Love
Knuckleheads Lose Motherly Nurturing
Lawbreaking Maximizes Negativism in Officers

Misappropriations Nullify Ordinary Principles
Never Offend Police
Ordained Priests Quietly Rescue Souls

Pandemonium Quickly Reverses Safety
Quiet Reverence Subdues Temptations
Reading Stimulates Temporal Understanding

Success Takes Utmost Vigilance
Thugs Understand Violence
Utopia Vanishes Without Xmas


9 - Ray Quesada; 'borrowed'; topic: none needed at that time;
partial link: /poem/epsilons-in-nail-salons/

Epsilons In Nail Salons

Go to work, get paid then spend it fast
You need more stuff cuz things don't last
forever. - Hurry! Run to the store!
Corporate slaves and Wal-mart whores
In this world it would be a crime to wait
Impatient infant - - look what you create
A life controlled from start to end
A shopping cart - your new best friend

Alphas; Betas; Deltas too
In 1930, Aldous Huxley knew
'End, don't mend! ' - 'Just buy it new! '
Push a button and it's done for you.

We sit possessed, engulfed in our distractions
Stimulation = Satisfaction
The joint in your mouth; the beer in my hand
American Idol; Brand Names; On Demand (and)
High-tech phones stuck to our heads
The drones; the clones; the walking dead
For convenience it's all organized
You buy McDonald's fries - Empires rise
…While sick and starving children die.

{plus MORE fine lines in the poem on the poem's page}

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Bri's Note:
This poem is one of the first I sent to MyPoemList, over five years ago.
it appears now that Ray is no longer active on PH, but he has a long bio
and many poems posted on PH.


10 - Elena Plotkin; 'borrowed'; topic: smells;
partial link: /poem/welcome-to-my-perfume-parlour/

Welcome To My Perfume Parlor

Welcome to my perfume parlour.
Have some scents they're only a dollar.
There is no charge to take a good sniff,
So, please linger long enough to get a whiff.
These smells were all created for your noses.
And I promise you they will outlast any roses.
They are guaranteed to entice and bewitch,
That man who has long been out of your reach.
And for all of you who need that special blend,
To cloak a stench worse than that of any rear end,
Here are some choice bottles I can gladly recommend.
Please, don't forget to mention my shop to your friend.

(c) 2013 Copyright Elena Plotkin


Thanks for visiting.

bri edwards aka Brian Edward Whitaker in 'the real world'

:) :) :)

supper time! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! gotta run.

**a post office (USPS) employee at a customer counter

***police officers

****When I tried to protest having to remove all of my clothes except my underwear, I was accused of pushing a guard(?) outside my little private room in the ‘Emergency Room'. VERY QUICKLY I found myself on my ‘bed', my back pressed up against the wall, and about five male ‘attendants' confronting me, one with one of my thumbs bent backward [just enough to be a deterrent in case I tried to move], and one holding a hypodermic syringe/needle in a threatening manner. THEN the ‘attractive female nurse' came in and shooed them all out.
Hee-hee. It was INTERESTING and I approved of what they did. after all, we ‘nut cases' can NOT be trusted. But I WAS ‘amused' when I was left alone at first in the room with the door shut, to get undressed. It was then I found a serrated plastic knife on the floor of my room. More hee-hees. So much for protecting the ‘patient' from himself! !

*****in a local library in a volume of New York State laws

bri :)

To form a complete link to a poem's page, add w w w. poem hunter. com (in front of) the partial link, BUT REMOVE THE SPACES I'VE ADDED HERE (in the previous line) .
Stephen Katona 02 November 2017

Thank you for this showcase Bri. I really enjoyed the poems.

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Valsa George 08 October 2017

To Bri Rhyme is not within everyone's reach It is giving music to speech Bri, with rhyme you do amaze And from all corners extract much praise Doubtless your lengthy 'intros' To me are sheer wonders! !

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Bri Edwards 30 September 2017

i KNOW! ! i have one [ and one } where i meant to have a [ and a ]. : ( bri

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success