Jake's Christmas Eve.....[exploration; Food Gathering; Fatherhood; Santa; Rat; Long; Humor] Poem by Bri Edwards

Jake's Christmas Eve.....[exploration; Food Gathering; Fatherhood; Santa; Rat; Long; Humor]

Rating: 3.7

On last Christmas Eve, to a home with NO cat,
came an unwelcome visitor ……, a rat.
Jake was the wood rat's name.
From nearby woods he came.
On his head he wore a leaf for a hat.

This house was the first-built on a new street.
Jake came in search of a nice Christmas treat.
Only seeds Jake had at home;
that's why he did now roam,
seeking softer, tasty morsels to eat.

Earlier he'd smelled smells of some baked goods,
smells unknown in his rat neighborhood.
So with exploring gear,
though with no little fear,
Jake crept ‘cross moonlit backyard ‘tween house and his woods.

Atop a brick pile he found clothes dryer vent,
then bravely through air exhaust hose he went.
When he came to lint trap
he just gave it a tap,
and, finding dryer door open, his time was well spent.

His eyes adjusted to the dim light;
(the basement had windows, but it was night) .
He smelled treats in the air,
but how best to get there?
Then Jake spied the first step and went up a stair flight.

Where steps ended, he squeezed under door,
sensing from smells he was on the right floor.
Around him now was light,
some red, some green, some white.
He found a tree strewn with bright objects galore.

He thought 'why would they have a tree inside,
and beneath it what appears to be some new sort of hide?
And why are hides of feet
hanging in a row neat? ……
Some things about this place I can't decide.'

To the next lit room Jake, the rat, then went.
To his quest for food his mind WAS still bent.
Enough he'd had of seeds,
enough of old tough weeds.
Much stronger now became a fowl scent.

Now, between him and his longed-for food,
stood a three foot high wooden wall. How rude!
Quickly Jake did then climb,
finding a sight most sublime,
a large and headless bird, tied up and nude.

In Jake's past a baby bird he'd eaten …..
before, away-from-nest, he was beaten.
Now he feasted his beady eyes
on this wondrous surprise,
and gorged quickly ……, as time was fleetin'.

As Jake turned from the scene of his crime
he found cookies colored lemon and lime,
blue, white, and red of course,
shaped like star and like horse.
'Should I take some now or wait till next time? '

All at once Jake heard a faint 'Ho, ho, ho',
and out window saw deer flying through snow.
He hid behind the tree
and from there he did see
Santa enter the room with BIG sack in tow.

Jake watched as bearded-one ate a treat
and then drank what looked like the milk from a rat's teat.
Then Santa found a plastic bag;
ears of corn made it sag.
Perhaps, Jake thought, they were for deer to eat.

To fill hanging feet took Santa a while.
Then under the tree he spread gifts in a big pile.
Santa took bag of corn, and his sack he did close,
but (before up the chimney he rose) ,
to Jake he gave a wink and a big smile.

So much Jake had seen! To him all was new.
He thought 'Was I dreaming or was all this true? '
One ear of soft corn was still there
(left by Santa he'd swear) ,
so he snatched it and out the room flew.

With full belly Jake's exit was harder,
especially dragging corn for his larder.
A treasure house he'd found
with good food all around;
from other rats he hoped to guard her.

It was fast-approaching the Christmas morn
when Jake at last reached his home with corn.
Though he brought not some meat
he still had a nice treat,
for himself and his mate and the newborn.

Merry Christmas! ! (written Dec.24th and 25th,2006)

Saturday, December 15, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas,food
i was 'alone' that xmas. what else did i have to do but write a poem? ?

don't forget to keep your dryer door closed! !

- - - much later (Dec.2013) ....i'm adding [ ] around Jake's to get this near the top of my poem list. maybe that way someone will read it this month. after all, X-mas is right around the corner (again) . :)

i just changed the first word in the title from [Jake's] to Jake's.10-11-2015
Bri Edwards 12 September 2018

i'm sending this to my PH friend Tom Billsborough; he just made a disparaging comment about my friend Santa. maybe this shall change Tom's attitude! ! ! I should hope so. THERE, at least there are NOW two (2) COMMENTS on this, my, poem! ! bri aka brian :)

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Darlene Walsh 25 April 2015

A rat named Jake and wearing a hat, how very civilized :) A nice slightly altered version of 'A Night Before Christmas' and I especially liked the last line.

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success