Chloe Evangeline

Chloe Evangeline Poems

A wave
a salty spray across your


Do you hear it?
The tiniest cracking of a twig
as we walk in the forest.
No, of course you don't.

We talk,
knowing this isn't rushed.
A coffee shop after school,

jerked out of
a crumpled mind

I watch & wait
I ponder silently
Whether to snap or tear
I wonder

Perfection: an ugly word
we have no use for it
no exact definition
for it is an opinion

I'm sorry
I tried
tried to stop you
tried to explain

I am caught
between currents
always pushing


I live in this country
the US of A
im not proud of it
we have done a lot of terrible things

a different description
lying inside all of us
some say a living hell,

I admit it
your smile sends me whirling
glancing around to see

The words
pour onto the paper
out of my pen,
filling the lines.

this sky
ever changing
clouded, now sunny
a tale to tell

What are you writing?
poetry, i think
he tries
types them out

a language
it moves me
pounds me

Chloe Evangeline Biography

Poetry, obviously, and there's not much else to say... my life hasn't been lived, so there nothing to tell. I write poems because they are a way to vent, and half of the ones on here aren't real or true. They just express what i'm trying to say better than a memoir.)

The Best Poem Of Chloe Evangeline


A wave
a salty spray across your
children play
they don't know
underneath the lapping waves
there is darkness
an unforgiving darkness
showing no bounds
swallowing all
who dare go too far
these children,
too young to be bothered
but this, this is real
under the waves is another world
This world, so many colors
they dart around
as you swim further
you get lost in it's majesty
too late;
too late for you
you must slip under the waves
find your world
find the death
the place you truly came from
go to it
and slip into the darkness
it welcomes you
and we will all be waiting

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