Stepping Out Of The Box....... [food Fantasy; Humor; Medium; Immigration Troubles] Poem by Bri Edwards

Stepping Out Of The Box....... [food Fantasy; Humor; Medium; Immigration Troubles]

I 'stepped out' of the box today,
and to my absolute surprise,
there was a guy looking at me...
with his mean eyes.

It had been a tiresome journey...
from south-of-the-Equator,
and I thought it time to rest,
But 'he' said....'You can rest LATER.'

I trusted him to keep his word,
but little did i know his plans.
I looked around, and I saw I was...
in a kitchen....with pots and pans.

There also was a big freezer,
from which 'he' took a carton.
And as 'he' scooped ice cream,
my yellow heart did hearten.

He dropped three scoops....
in a long and narrow dish.
I was starving and... to eat it....
was my fervent, fruity wish.

I'd never eaten three kinds.....
of creamy-ice-cream in my life.
In fact I'd never eaten ANY;
my desire to eat it now was rife.

I also saw nearby three big glass jars.
One held something chocolate brown.
One held something oh so sugary-white.
And ONE held something red, the planet, Mars.

But before I saw him use them,
he first took up a long-bladed knife!
He came at me very menacingly.
I thought 'Haven't I HAD ENOUGH...strife? ! '

Five minutes more and all was almost over.
Who said America is a land of greener clover?
The little girl grinned-widely, ...where...SHE did sit,
and settled in to enjoy 'HER' banana-'ME'-split.

(June 27,2014)

after reading my poem 'We've Gone Bananas This Week', my PH friend, Brian Jani, wrote to say that i was, with my poetry, 'stepping out of the box.' so, thanks Brian for the kind(?) words and the inspiration. :) bri

for anyone not liking my use of 'rife', i claim 'poetic license'! so there! ! !

p.s. i don't think i've ever revised a poem so much AFTER submitting it! (and i revised it ahead of time as well)
Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
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