Flight Mh - 17 An Avoidable Tragedy Poem by krishnakumar chandrasekar nair

Flight Mh - 17 An Avoidable Tragedy

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Science, love and tech lifted them
Ten thousand feet into the air sailing smooth
Science, hate and tech brought them down
Ten thousand feet in pieces of flesh and metal crude
And they will never ever know, how or why
It had to happen to them in that peaceful sky
Who fired it - the devils macabre device
That in hitting the target was so precise
Sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and friends
All now gone in one clean sweep
Leaving all of us to permanently weep
Whodunit - the debate will rise and rage
And no lessons will be ever learnt
Things will settle and new conflicts engage
Lives of innocents as collateral damage..........

The world over innocents are dying in conflicts while politicians play the blame game. Man is the most violent of all living species on this planet and it would have been more peace full if our intelligence was reduced to fifty percent of what we have now. At least we would not develop the know how to design and manufacture 'smart weapons'.

I recall what Albert Einstein said. To modify him a little, like foolishness, man's cruelty too has no limits

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Sylvia Frances Chan 17 July 2024

Thank you for sharing this poem

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Sylvia Frances Chan 17 July 2024

RUSSIA had shot down this flight, terribly very sad. All 298 passengers died at once

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Geetha Jayakumar 03 August 2014

A very thoughtful write based on true facts. With just one sweep everything came down into ashes. Science, tech are the inventor as well destructor created by intelligent mind. It's really pathetic, they might have never thought it would be their last journey in sky, towards sky...A moving write. Loved reading it. Thanks for sharing!

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