Actc: 2014/12: Contest Titles (2) And Info For December Challenge Poem by Bri Edwards

Actc: 2014/12: Contest Titles (2) And Info For December Challenge

ACTC: 2014/12: CONTEST TITLES (2) AND INFO FOR December Challenge

ACTC: 2014/12: CONTEST TITLES (2) AND INFO FOR December Challenge
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[Since first posting this poem, i found it got posted with some mistakes, which i plan to correct. Sorry.]

********[For now, i plan to post any entries i receive at THE END OF MY CONTEST RULES & INFORMATION.]********
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GENERAL information

NO entry fee; NO prize; PH members decide the winner; entries sent to Bri Edwards' PH site for December contest; DEADLINE for entries: end of December, Pacific Time Zone in California, u.s.a..

I think 'ACTC' (which Brian Johnston has been using recently) stands for 'A Challenge Title Contest/Competition'.2014/12 is the year and month to submit poems to be judged.


Feel free to message me through PH.
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*******Dec.7,2014: I am now allowing our usual 'contest manager' aka 'webmaster', Brian Johnston, to resubmit his December entry poem after he added more stanzas, but BEWARE! , I do not plan to do this for any other poets! ! ! I am doing it for him ONLY because he is our esteemed 'leader', because no one has even commented on it (yet) , AND because no votes have yet been recorded, AND because BJ is so old and forgetful.

i now have had second thoughts about allowing voting starting immediately, instead of limiting it to the first 12 days of January. i have changed the usual routine Brian Johnston has followed for months. BUT BECAUSE I WANT TO URGE READERS TO REMEMBER TO VOTE, AND BECAUSE I SENT THE FIRST DRAFT OF THIS 'POEM' TO OVER 30 MEMBERS WHEN THE DRAFT STATED THAT VOTING STARTS IMMEDIATELY, I've decided to stick with my original plan. BUT I SUGGEST THAT VOTERS REMEMBER THAT THEY CAN CHANGE THEIR VOTE UNTIL THE END OF THE VOTING PERIOD BY CASTING A NEW VOTE. [PLEASE, please, please, send me a message alerting me to a change in vote, and TRY TO NOT BURY YOUR VOTE IN A LONG COMMENT. A VOTE SHOULD BE MADE AT THE BEGINNING OF ANY COMMENT, OR EVEN BETTER, A VOTE SHOULD BE MADE IN A separate comment. ;) :) bri edwards *****************
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1 - OOPS!


2- A History Of The Future

'OOPS! ' is from my mind. 'A History Of The Future' is from the mind (I guess) of member Abekah Emmanuel.
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Poem entry MUST have the 'suggested title' AND have something in the body of the poem which conceivably pertains to the wording of the suggested title ….
OR …
The title can be different, but the poem, in part at least, MUST pertain to the wording of the suggested title. The decision of whether a poem's content qualifies it for competition, rests with me, the 'CONTEST MANAGER' (also has been called 'Webmaster' when Brian Johnston came up with the idea and ran the contest from his PH site the last few months) ================================================= ===============

NO MORE than two pages in length.
A poet may submit one poem with her/his name as the author. In addition, that poet may collaborate with another member in writing another poem which would have the names of two PH members affixed as co-authors.
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ANY STYLE I GUESS. It will be nice if the majority of readers recognize it as a poem.
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Some 'language' may be grounds for disqualification, and the CONTEST MANAGER (that's me this month, but usually Brian Johnston) shall decide whether a poem is potentially offensive enough to be disqualified. In case I question the suitability of a poem, I shall do what I can to accommodate a poet, including suggesting that the poet make changes before it is made public on my site. If a poet chooses to use a word which many would find offensive, such as the infamous 'F' word, I suggest using 'f++k' (maybe F===) or something else. I would probably accept 'f++k', but don't use it 'unnecessarily'! ; we ARE all 'supposedly' over 13 years old. Try not to say anything considered racist or bigoted in any way, but I will use my (sometimes 'good') judgment in deciding what is allowable.

I can agree with Brian that a 'poem' consisting of a copy of the alphabet, and just that, would not qualify.
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Brian and I (Bri Edwards) have no interest in 'owning' or taking credit for the writing of any poem submitted by another PH member. We welcome your participation. Your submission of your poem will act as permission for us to post it on our site(s) , giving each poet credit by affixing their name to their poem. Such posting of poems may continue after the month's contest is concluded. i would, however, be willing to delete a poet's poem at the poet's request.
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I haven't heard this subject come up, but since many PH members speak a language different than English, I would accept a poem written in another language. Hopefully the poet would supply an English translation. I would, of course, take no responsibility for the poem's content, as I only know a little Spanish and Japanese and a few words of a few other languages. Capisci? Es verdad? nyet? konnichiwa!
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Poets are to send their poem via PH 'message' to the manager's (my) PH INBOX. Brian generally would wait until the first day of the following month to post all of the entries. I PLAN TO POST THE ENTRIES AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE TO ME.
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Readers of the manager's 'Poem', [THIS SET OF INFORMATION IS MY FIRST 'POEM', and perhaps only 'poem', FOR THE DECEMBER CONTEST], are encouraged to make comments on anything I write and on any poem or poems which are submitted.
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Voting in the past has been done during the first 12 days of the month following the month when submissions are accepted. But, since I plan to post poems as they arrive, voting can be done throughout December and (for now at least) until the end of the 12th of January, Pacific Time Zone time in the u.s.a.

Readers are encouraged to enjoy (or not) the poems, one and all, and to vote for their favorite, using whatever criteria they choose, though attention to poetic skills is encouraged by me. Hopefully, readers will not vote for a poem simply because they feel sorry for the poet, or they dislike the other POETS (!) , or they prefer humorous poems over love poems, or haiku over limericks or some other 'kind' of poetry, or because one poem has rhyming and one doesn't, etc. etc.

Remember that poets are supposed to be allowed some leeway in how they use the (English, etc.) language and how they present things as being factual even though they aren't sometimes.

*************DO NOT VOTE FOR MORE THAN ONE POEM.************

[If a member votes for more than one poem, the last vote cast should be the one which is counted by the manager. If you accidentally vote for a poem and don't want that vote to count, or you change your mind (perhaps you vote before all the entries are posted and then you see one later which you like better) BE SURE TO CAST A NEW VOTE. I shall try to keep track, but if you change your vote, it would be helpful if you SEND ME A MESSAGE TO ALERT ME TO A NEW VOTE BY YOU. Thanks.]
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HAVE FUN! (or not) :)

This contest is not meant to be a burden to anyone, and, in fact, besides being meant as a CHALLENGE, it is meant to be a fun outlet for members and a way to perhaps find a wider audience for the entrants' poems.
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Brian Johnston will probably step back into the shoes of 'contest manager' aka 'webmaster' for the next month's contest, unless he wants me to do it again, or unless ANOTHER MEMBER VOLUNTEERS TO DO THE JOB and Brian accepts that member's offer of help. Please send a PH message to either Brian or me (Bri Edwards) if you are INTERESTED IN BEING 'contest manager' aka 'Webmaster' for a month. 


Late entries (after December, but before January 12th) may be posted on a separate 'poem' beginning with 'ACTC', at the discretion of Brian and me.
The same may be true for poems submitted JUST for fun, if the poets do NOT want them to be part of the 'contest', and for poems which are longer than two pages in length.

Poets are encouraged to post their poems also on their OWN PH PAGES IN THEIR POEM LISTS.
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Some record of previous contests should be available on Brian Johnston's PH site, most recently in 'poems' starting with 'ACTC'. I think previous contests have each had less than 10
entries. The NOVEMBER CHALLENGE contest entries are available for reading, commenting, and voting at Brian Johnston's 'poem'
which begins with this:

_A C T C - 2014/11 ***FINAL ENTRIES - VO...

there are five fine poems with the title and/or topic of:

'Small Gifts: Contributing To Other's Happiness'

I wish you all a nice day!  bri Edwards, temporary 'contest manager'.

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The History Of The Future

There's certainly an irony that's found in thoughts of ‘history'
However one may feel about the war between the sexes,
And would not ‘herstory, ' be just as sexist for example?
Is ‘history' itself a ploy to bring some peace to mystery?
It seems whatever finds its page the tragedy is ample.
And claims that someone won at all? It certainly perplexes.

What ‘history' seems certain in God's quest to win man's heart of hearts?
The last five hundred years suggests the tide is running from Him,
As more dogmatic Christians try to bind God with the Bible,
Preferring sinful legalisms to the Grace God's love imparts,
And men of conscience shun the Church's countenance of libel,
Preferring their souls rot in hell to sanctimonious hymn!

Technology is sure to bring new dreams to cradle of mankind!
My father plowed his father's land behind a team of horses,
Yet lived to see man plant his flag upon a distant moon scape.
We seek, we probe, we test, we dream. New life? Who knows what we will find?
We grow, we blossom, multiply, explore the mind's landscape!
And unafraid we all sign up for life's emerging courses!

Man's evolution's likely to take a strange twist, or two, or three
Genetic change no longer linked to random acts of God's will
Republicans considered now a sad pathetic erring
As all humanity now pulls the choicest fruit from genome's tree
And Eden's garden's apple changes to a human pearing
As man's imagination flows, God's Quill now host to man's fill.

And what if we could judge the future's likely impact by the past?
The dinosaur extinction does not give me confidence sir,
For science and the Bible see consuming fire as certain,
Though we're not here to see it my friend, still the end will come at last!
And if man is still earthbound it will be the final curtain,
And ‘history' not there at last to see final ‘Godstory'.


submitted: December: 6,2014

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A History Of The Future - The Creator's book

In the void before time even existed
the Creator designed a special library
designed to hold all the books of a universe not yet made
pride of place was his very first book
made entirely the remains on asteroids from past galaxies
9000 miles tall and just as thick and wide
and in this book he began to write first

A History Of The Future was the title he wrote
in huge letters on the cover
they blazed with the fires of a dozen suns
he turned the page and began in detail
to carve how his universe would come to be
and how everything in it would come to its eventual end

For countless millennia did he inscribe the actions
of every star and the planets that would orbit them
eventually the book was finished and stored away
where none but he could find it

Every planet and star have their own unique volumes
comets and asteroids included
so too does every creature
from the microbes long since extinct
to organisms yet to be

So when every someone thinks themselves so high and mighty
just remind them that no matter how good they think they are
or how long they will live
their book is just tiny
insignificant to the greatest of all the books
known by its creator as
A History Of The Future

Submitted: December 10, 2014


Random Thought XI

Look carefully!
Past is pregnant with future
Present is having labor pains
Lo and behold! Future is having twins!


Submitted: Thursday, December 04,2014


A History of The Future

Maturity is increasing day by day,
Distances are decreasing day by day,
Friction that causes heat of the hate,
Evolution is greasing day by day.

Human machine in the future I see,
Much more rectified caricature I see.
Understanding better, tolerance extreme,
A pretty heart catching picture I see.

The machine is free of sounds and smokes,
Humanity no more victim of violent strokes,
Coexistence, brotherhood, the machine produces,
Live, let others live, the produce provokes.

UNO more powerful with its decisive roles,
More food from the sea, vegetation and soles,
Some fills for the belt of ozone from the earth,
Something from space for human black holes!

God asking Angels to defer destruction,
To wait and see for man's construction,
He will see, can we feed our growing population,
He has made us worthy of His Perfection.

Submitted: December 6,2014


A History Of The Future

Can you see what future's history will be
Is tomorrow something that you can see
What is it that the future can tell
Or is it only what will be is what will be

Is the future's history a mystery
Life extracted from future's distillery
Only time will tell the truth
If what will be will be dismal or glittery

Is there a crystal ball to help see
All that in the future will be
Or is the future hidden to all
Leaving only hope for what will be

Maybe if you strive to think well
If you learn your history well
A bit of tomorrow is no mystery
Maybe futures history you could tell

As Asimov has said about Psychohistory *
If you can know all of yesterday's mystery
As told by his character Hari Seldon
Then tomorrow will be like yesterday's history

Or if you're like a song of tomorrow
And you hope for rainbows with no sorrow
Que Sera, Sera - Whatever Will Be, Will Be
Then from tomorrow you need not borrow

Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be *


Submitted: December 11, 2014

poet's notes:

* Psychohistory - A fictional science described by Hari Seldon, a character in Issac Asimov's Foundation series of books where the future is accurately predicted based on a full understanding of the past
* Que Sera, Sera - Whatever Will Be, Will Be - Song written by Jay Livingston and sung by Doris Day

Even Australia

Australia will become more even
than the odd one now.

You won't have to use the power for two
to toast one,

or buy at least five more
when one egg will do.

You won't let wrong sense
bully you.


Submitted December 14,2014


A History Of The Future - What's THAT?

To me, 'History' is what has come 'Before' now,
whether it be about this or that, or when or how.
And, as I think most humans now would do,
when I think of history, I think also of Me and YOU.
I mean about all that's led up to our present selves;
DNA, DVDs, war times, peace times, but, NO, not elves.

Likewise, when we think of what 'Future' means,
we envision humans …. among not-happened-yet scenes.
SO, if ' 'A History Of The Future' is the title for a poem,
what might I expect such a poem to contain (for you and me) ?

[I've had a tough time (more than usual) writing this.
But I know it's a 'CHALLENGE' so, it, I did NOT dismiss.]
Now, back to the title question 'What's THAT? ', read this
'It's EVERYTHING that has come 'Before' what-comes-'Next'. '

Some examples of 'A History Of The Future' I now present:

'Before', Brian J. lived in a mansion. 'Next', he may live in
a tent.

'Before', Darlene W. could not spell. 'Next', her novels she
does sell.

'Before', Abekah E. had no cash. 'Next', we attend his
inauguration bash.

'Before', Bri E. controlled his poops. 'Next', he must wear
diapers/nappies …. OOPS!


Submitted: December 21, 2014



History presents to us, a long fantastic movie of the past;
That's not easily erased but often in memory long last.
Sometimes is about revolution, a treaty, bloody war,
Academic breakthrough or even a radical social reform.
But the future, whose achievements are unknown,
Also presents an imaginative movie whose theme is hope
For the difference between history and future is today
And today is closer to tomorrow than yesterday,
So the history of the future depends on today's legacies
And one can smell the demystification of yesterday's mysteries.

The history of the future, with its stunning and numerous
Scientific and technological inventions will be fabulous.
As world population multiplies madly in billions,
So shall the wealth of the Jones explode in trillions.
Knowledge shall increase, and so shall cure for diseases,
And information is spread the second someone releases.
The future will be occupied by curious creatures
Who try, to every problem, find scientific answers
And may eventually deny the God of their mothers
As they may call Him, ‘the God of our illiterate fathers'.

Pleasure may be highly abundant, and so shall pain;
And many fraudsters, shall lots of wealth gain,
For the society may have little time for morality
And will erroneously worship human indignity.
Marriage may cease to be sacred, as there will be little trust
And truth may be treated as nothing but mere piece of trash.
In the history of the future, I see no reverence for poetry
And similar forms of arts that make the mind its wisdom factory,
For they may be happy about that which delights the eye
And not any poetic Bri, Brian, or Diane's rhymes.

By Abekah Emmanuel (with minor input from Bri Edwards)
Submitted December-31-2014

i'm too busy to write a poet's note now! bri :)
well, i see i should have proofread my 'poem' after submitting it. i found one major and several minor errors, and some spacing problems. maybe i can blame PH for some of it?

also, as i'm on the editing page, PH does not allow me to see the ending of it, OR i screwed up somehow and did not copy the whole thing. darn! i'll have to 'preview' it now to be sure.
please pay special attention to any asterisks you see, which act to draw attention to something i feel is particularly important and/or WHICH I'VE ADDED TO MY ORIGINAL 'ACTC' 'poem'.

Bri Edwards 02 January 2015

COMMENT on ABEKAH EMMANUEL’S poem: What I would like most to know is: “How come ”this title” was Abekah’s suggestion in the first place [[ I borrowed it, and then gave a second title choice of “Oops! ”, which no one chose to use; I would have, but I wanted a challenge ]]…. BUT Abekah’s entry was received just “under the wire”/ “just in the knick of time”/”at the (almost) last minute”? ? ? I guess he was just testing the tolerance of this month’s “contest master”? AND, furthermore, he asked my opinion on his poem, which I was glad to give. That’s why I added the bit after his poem about it being a legal collaboration. So far Abekah has received the only vote cast. I hope more votes will be cast! Not that i wouldn't want him to win. It doesn't cost ME anything. Some rhyming. Check mark. Some thought. Check mark. I like movies. But, as I’ve already told him, today would be closer to yesterday [not tomorrow, as he wrote] IF he wrote the poem BEFORE noon; he must have written that AFTER noon. Like Akhtar, Abekah is optimistic, it seems, about the future. Notice how close those two names are (in use of letters) ! Are they the same person? ? Well, WAIT A MINUTE! ! ! ! As I review further, farther into the body of the poem, I see I had forgotten how dismal a picture he, Abekah, eventually paints for the future! YIKES! ! ! The worst of which is a foreseen disregard for the great words of Bri, Brian, “or” Diane! ! good grief!

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Bri Edwards 02 January 2015

MY VOTE: My vote is cast for JOHN WESTLAKE, and not because he (sort of) promised to share cash with me if he wins 'big' at Lotto! see his poem: 167. If I Ever Win Big On The Lotto congratulations! though i can't 'guarantee' a win HERE either. thanks to you and the others for sharing. bri :)

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Abekah Emmanuel 08 January 2015

well, haven read various comments and witty criticisms by various astute poets, I think, the webmaster is doing a great job, but as to why my poem was refusing to be posted is kind of a mystery to me. Has the contest master (PhD) now taken bribe from the opposition party to disqualify me? ..haaa...I guess not, at least, not when I have a copy of the US constitution in my library.. Whichever way, it seems, we have been a bit timid in our voting this election month, but I think the Christmas seems to have had a great impact on the contest last month, as the contest master was busy looking for Ghanaian singles in the US...(jokes) .....On a more serious note, I think, this is the best time for me to cast my vote, and i therefore vote for John Westlake (though I believe strongly in women empowerment) . His portrait of the future is interesting.....well done, all contestants!

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Bri Edwards 05 December 2014

I HAVE just posted the first entry poem. It is by Brian Johnston. BUT, Brian, don't think you will get extra points because you are the first one entering. It just doesn't work that way! ! ! ! ! :) :) :) :) thanks for sharing. :) bri

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Bri Edwards 02 January 2015

COMMENT on DARLENE WALSH’S poem: I’m having trouble with the third line of the poem. I wonder if this busy poet meant something else. It seems like ”history” and “future” may be getting mixed up; or is it ME? And unlike some thinkers, I think the future’s history is all that has already happened, BUT NOT ALL of the past necessarily influences “what will be/que sera”. I noticed that Darlene’s interesting rhyme scheme is the same as Akhtar’s, which I said was not too familiar to me! What a coincidence. I’d like to know the history of this Challenge contest, especially if Brian Johnston is taking the reins for January. Anybody else interested? I could handle it again I suppose, if old Brian is too hung over from New Year’s Eve!

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Bri Edwards 13 January 2015


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Bri Edwards 13 January 2015

WINNER: JOHN WESTLAKE aka Profanisaurus. CONGRATULATIONS! And thank you to all the participants. I am still running a contest for ACTC 2015/01 on my site. The suggested titles are White On Black and OOPS! . Bri Edwards aka part-time 'contest manager'. :) bri ========================================================== NOW: Let me suggest that perhaps in February 2015, this contest NOT continue as a contest, but instead evolve into a showcase for interested PH members who wish to share one of their poems which they are most proud of for one reason or another. I am pretty sure that many members have poems on PH which seem to be overlooked, as I DO. This is easy to understand, given the huge number of poems on this site and the large number of members (though how many really active members there are is a mystery to me) . And i am primarily considering poets whose English is at least very good, though all poets would be welcome, using English or another language (with or without translation) . I have NOT discussed this with the founder of this current challenge contest, Brian Johnston. Perhaps he could continue with the ACTC competition and I would start my own monthly showcase, with NO title and NO topic limitation, and perhaps NO length limitation. WHAT DO OTHERS THINK ABOUT MY IDEA?

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Bri Edwards 09 January 2015

VOTING COUNT SO FAR. TWO DAYS LEFT TO VOTE! BRIAN J. = ZERO : ( [brian, there's still time to vote for yourself! ! ] JOHN WESTLAKE = 3 :) :) :) [voters: bri edwards, abekah emmanuel, darlene walsh] SAVITA TYAGI = 1 :) [voter: diane hine] AKHTAR JAWAD = 0 : ( DARLENE WALSH = 0 : ( DOUGLAS SCOTNEY = 0 : ( ABEKAH EMMANUEL = 1 :) [voter: savita tyagi] BRI EDWARDS = 0 : (: (: ( ===================== total votes caste so far: 5 (five) [two days LEFT! ! ! ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - p.s. voting is over in the december ACTC contest on my site in two more days. brian johnston asked me to take responsibility for the january contest as well, but i've gotten a late start on that, so the january title and other information is not available yet. when it is, it will appear in my new poems section and start with ACTC. again, i plan to suggest two titles to choose from. bri :)

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Darlene Walsh 09 January 2015

I enjoyed all the poems this month. Hope to see you all again next month :) Brian It's a very nice story, about history in general and about Brian's own history. And a somber warning for our future. Yes, history (past present and future) is really God's Story (Godstory, I like the word - better than herstory) . A very thoughtful poem (more story than poem like many of my 'poems') . John I love libraries, and the symbolism, history of the universe over all time is huge. And each of us a tiny book, a small story, within all of that huge history. When I first started reading, I was thinking it was about predestination, but when I saw 'their book' I knew I was wrong. While the physical universe has been set in motion and will continue as planned until it's fulfillment, each of us is our own unique story. Tiny (almost but not quite insignificant) but still individual, each of us is our own tiny story, living with so many other tiny stories within the history of the universe. Savita A very short but inspiring random thought. Akhtar A very hopeful history of the future. It is nice to think that 'He has made us worthy of His Perfection.' I hope your poem comes true, unfortunately my confidence in human nature is not so positive. I believe 'He' will in the end find us much less worthy of 'His Perfection.' Douglas I don't know enough about Australia to fully understand your poem, and for that I am sorry. I do get the feeling of uniqueness that is Australia. Australia does things the way they want, not how everyone else does it, and that is very nice. Your poem has inspired me to learn more about Australia. Bri As always, very entertaining. Not happy you intentionally left out Elves (you do remember I'm part Elf lol) . I like your confidence in each of our futures (and you should really be nicer to your self even if that is where we are all eventually headed lol) . Abekah I think this poem has a more realistic picture of futures history. There will be great things happening, but it will be tarnished by our real human nature. Thoughtful and well written. My vote this month goes to John (did I say I love libraries) .

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Abekah Emmanuel 08 January 2015

well, haven read various comments and witty criticisms by various astute poets, I think, the webmaster is doing a great job, but as to why my poem was refusing to be posted is kind of a mystery to me. Has the contest master (PhD) now taken bribe from the opposition party to disqualify me? ..haaa...I guess not, at least, not when I have a copy of the US constitution in my library.. Whichever way, it seems, we have been a bit timid in our voting this election month, but I think the Christmas seems to have had a great impact on the contest last month, as the contest master was busy looking for Ghanaian singles in the US...(jokes) .....On a more serious note, I think, this is the best time for me to cast my vote, and i therefore vote for John Westlake (though I believe strongly in women empowerment) .

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success