Tribute To My Family...Cornell, Michael, Milton Jr. Heather Poem by Almedia Knight-Oliver

Tribute To My Family...Cornell, Michael, Milton Jr. Heather

I don't know the beginning, yet sense that two by two,
Somehow, in someway another gave rise to others…I hear
That countless centuries afore present human, our ancestors
Gradually evolved over time. Minus homes, their offsprings
Roamed over the face of the earth, not drinking from the same
spring twice, and crossing over rivers only once

A progeny from a pair of long-ago originators created the
Innocent softhearted one, who wandered over hills and valleys
Drinking from a variety of springs, and her feet burrowed the
way over marshland, knee high grass, right into a coach-whip's
dens and she frantically bolted up the hill, and busted through
the door crying out: mama, mama, mama! ! !

Thereafter her wandering reversed, and teenage years offered
Wonder instead, that occasioned her to fly out of her mama's nest.
Without a plan she was left suspended in mid air, and with no landing
Place in sight, until meeting another suspended from his household
They Unfurled wings and flew into the foggy air, and following, he
Disappeared in that air…

The whole world fell upon Henny Penny and her chick but they held it up.
Relating to disillusionment, I consumed every word in numerous letters
Then hungrily devoured every last one of those well-meaning word
Bursting with bliss as the autumn leaves swirled, whirled, and madly
Danced in the breeze…I headed back home, deep in the south, where
Magnolias bloomed and purity and integrity were lost and needing to be found. Still
The ole streamline screeching iron wheels couldn't drown out the melodious thoughts
of our nesting place made of twigs, and lush green grass that ought to still lay in wait.

Years past still, I remember walking home from our high school prom and you wisely picking every last one of the twigs and grass out of my hair…besides my pink off shoulder dress had to look like it did before we left…and god forbid if something rouses suspicion in mama's mind what we'd done…!
I bet she didn't close an eye until I returned home but, "mama maybe you knew what was best then, but had to work out the rest…"

I'm still looking back and seeing myself going back on the same dark path without a
flicker of light on our future…but love kept the flame lit within and, I went back down there and dared him to extinguish the fire!
I returned home from the old south, again and again, carrying a seed planted in my womb-and only me to till…another baby filled the emptiness inside and the shards of two hearts lay bare…

Even after disappointments and betrayals hope and love remained. I looked back at all errors made. I took the same mental walk, in my candy cane forest, I'd taken many time before, and saw him sitting under the candy-cane tree in my fairy tale book, tasting and sweetening all the hurts!
Right here. We finally found each other again in the second to last chapter of the book…
The final words in the chapter:
Three plus one followed by two more equaled six and a house finally fixed.

After nearly a half century of love and vicissitudes, my Prince passed away, and two years after was replaced by another Prince, hence began another book and its prologue: The fresh green grass of long ago was cut short and it's a waste of time planting old seed in the ground…
We'll keep our minds likened to a garden to cultivate or run wild in poems…!

Mama, you're are far away in the galaxy and thanks for waiting up for me those times…
All of my four children left home long ago, but not out of minds and hearts!
I wish you were here to tell me what and how to sleep instead of roused, I regret having left home without asking how you felt… two by two, and then three by three, we left you alone and lonely- I guess?
Mama unlike you, before I depart, I must tell my children-your grandchildren
How much I love and care about them-though wondering if my actions show.
I really don't' know. Mama did you keep score. Should I've kept tally?

Dear children; if you have scores to settle, the time is now.
If you have yesterdays' tears stored for tomorrow. Let them pour.
Start anew. Abandon things you don't like and saving the stuff you do.
Relate as a family so closeness and trust can follow and knowing
It's possible to dislike and estrangement might follow….

"Men" and "woman", you're so close
good and bad of each know
Life isn't a bed of beautiful roses:
Weeds, bugs, and bees
Might need insecticide
Cockle-burrs might stick
And blood and tears flow
Flowers may be fresh
Others pretty and wilt
Still others lose freshness
Suffer pain, or
die young or old.

Beautiful flowers fall, reseed, becoming
grand, great, and great -great offsprings
The originators will expire relying on you
to keep them alive...

May 2016

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