Finding Love At Christmas Poem by louis rams

Finding Love At Christmas

People meet during Christmas time
where hearts are vulnerable just like mine.
It could happen at any place you go and when
It will happen you'll never know.
a simple smile, a merry Christmas hello- can set your heart all aglow.
Is it something in the air? maybe it's the season that we share
We run and shop in the malls but that's where it starts it all.
People call it a mall romance, because it happens at first glance.
The shopping is forgotten and the running around is too
Because you found someone you can talk too.
Your two hearts do entwine because you found love at Christmas time.
© L. RAMS 110818

Thursday, December 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: christmas
Practicing Poetess 15 December 2018

A very sweet poem chronicling something I've never considered or experienced. Usually, suicides increase during the Christmas season. That, and EVERYONE smiles, greets you, is kind and helpful and benevolent- - and then after Christmas, they go right back to being their grinchy, scrooge-y selves again! But this poem was a refreshing, unique take on the Christmas season!

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Louis Rams 15 December 2018

thank you for your comment and welcome back

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louis rams

louis rams

new york city
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