1st Through The 12th..... [ Be Surprised ] Poem by Bri Edwards

1st Through The 12th..... [ Be Surprised ]

Rating: 5.0

With not much action in my life, I strive to stretch my brain, OR..
at least exercise myself mentally to not lose what I've had BEFORE.
Some may say to me: 'Bri, what you 'had before' wasn't very much.'
Of course I attempt to NOT pay attention to THAT silliness and such!

4th: I was thinking of 'The Fourth of July', yesterday in the U.S.; I'm in it.
I was born, & raised, & I live here now, ....no matter how I 'SPIN IT'.
So my thinking led me to more thinking of '-th-things' and SO...
now I'll write of more '-th-things', which, in our lives may 'come & go'.

I'll started off with 'the 4th', & I'll include the 2nd & 3rd, plus end with the 1st.
Today's not 'hot', I'm well-nourished & I think I'm starting with a poetic burst.
YOU may disagree with me, in which case I'll contact a 'friend' and.......
you'll be CURSED, or WORSE!
This poem may not be 'perfect' aka 'as they usually 'R' ', BUT it WILL surely...
be well-versed.

I already mentioned, briefly, the 4th. I'll no longer tarry with..THAT date.
I first spelled 'tarry' aka 'be tardy in acting' as 'tary'. I just mustn't be late....
to finish this poem anytime in the near future, or some'll say 'Bri, you ramble! '.**
So, if I have a prolonged interruption here, later on I may have to scramble.

2nd: 'The 2nd time' is a phrase which has been the start of MANY statements,
finished by, e.g.: '...was better than the first time.', or '..we got tax abatements.'
or '...I got my 'period', I knew what to expect.', or '...was the last time for sure! ',
or '...our dog went crazy when it bit her.', OR '...I spent thousands for a cure.'

3rd: Hearing '3rd strike' is what a baseball batter NEVER wants to hear; he....
or she then would be 'out'.
But if he's a 'runner' on '3rd base', his team tied,2 'men' out, bottom of the 9th inning, bases loaded, the batter with 3 'balls' & 1 'strike', the runner on 3rd is apt to SHOUT:
'Batter, PLEASE, take the walk'. I, Bri, think if I were the 'runner' I'd shout it & pray.
And IF my coach or manager or an umpire warned me: 'Be quiet, Bri! ', .....
'Batter, PLEASE, take the walk! ' I'd STILL say.

5th: I just read of a '5th dimension' in 'outerspace', where 'gravity and light form...
the electromagnetic spectrum meet.'
But I, Bri, was in school when the 'the 5th Dimension'' ** musical group was formed &
I loved their music; to me it was a real TREAT.
They 'Formed as the Versatiles in late 1965' & 'changed its name to 'the 5th Dimension' by 1966'.
I think they used a backup band, while 'the 5th Dimension' 's 5 members sang,
The singers played no guitars nor used drumsticks.

6th: Am I only up to '6th'? ? I believe it. I was taught that humans have 'five senses', smell, vision, hearing, touch, and taste.
Now I've heard that a possible 6th sense, proprioception, 'allows us to keep......
track of where our body parts are in space.'
AND in a 1999 movie, The Sixth Sense [ I watched it ], 'a child psychologist'...
helps a boy 'who encounters dead people'.
The boy convinces his 'doctor' to help them in exchange for something. I...
MIGHT direct 'the dead' to seek 'help' beneath a church steeple.

7th: Ok, the 7th is easy for me; my wife was born in Japan (1949) , and I in.....
America (1948) . Dec.7th (1941) is 'Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day'.
It recalls what I think most Americans would call, a 'surprise attack', for which...
'Japan must PAY! '.
[[ Some, like my wife (and I have no proof either way) , may say 'the U.S. allowed...
the attack to happen, to let FDR et al declare WAR! ' ]]
Anyhow U.S. citizens, long-reluctant to be included in a 2nd World War, then....
'went along with' 'FDR' & Congress. and we & allies more than 'evened the SCORE'!

8th: 'The 8th amendment (1791) to my U.S. Constitution (1789) is part of the...
U.S. Bill of Rights, which mirrored the English Bill of Rights.
The '8th' deals with 'fines', 'bail', & 'punishments' that U.S governments may....
impose. Over it's interpretation, there may, at times, be 'fights'..
The making of laws is one 'job' of the U.S. government's Legislative branch, I...
(YEARS ago) learned.
Judges of the Judicial branch may 'interpret' such laws, & may end them.
Then it's said the laws have been 'overturned'.

9th: 9th? Hmm? Oh, yes! Ninth grade was the name of my last year of....
'middle school', which came just before high school.
In school I was 'taught'/learned lots of things. And I might be 'in trouble'..
if while under the gaze of teachers, I did NOT 'follow a rule', ....
.....which of course NEVER happened to me, Bri, as I WAS a 'good boy'. But...
in my adulthood, AT TIMES I've been told 'Bri, you are BAD! ! '.
[ As 'expected of me', after 12th grade...[[ I'll deal more with '12th' later ]].....
I went to college, but my scholastic record there was SAD. ] : (

10th: I USED TO BE a 'good' Christian, so, the Bible's 'Ten Commandments'...
first came to (my) mind. [No Surprise]
I may not be too accurate with my Biblical-memory, but I'm pretty sure 'it'...
had some rule(?) about 'Teeth for Teeth, and Eyes for Eyes'.
The 10th Commandment said, among other things, 'You shall not covet.....
your neighbor's wife.'
Well, I suppose coveting...[[ meaning either 'disiring earnestly' OR 'desiring...
unlawfully' ]]....COULD cause a LOT of STRIFE!

11th: 'Eleventh Hour' refers, according to Merriam-Webster online dictionary:
'the latest possible time before it is too late'.
So maybe I'd have an 11th Hour event, if I needed to pee before eating, ....
BEFORE a waitperson delivered 'my food plate'.
Others, smarter than I am (or NOT) might predict the end to Earth,
and speak of Mankind's '11th Hour'.
Or if we've 10 in our family, only one bathroom, & 'the others' are...'
due home soon, it'd be the '11th Hour' for me to shower.

12th: [ I first thought of The Twelve Days Of Christmas, which made me....
think of Santa and his (imaginary?) reindeer. ]
Then I thought of 'The Twelfth of Never' (a song) written in 1956,
and recorded by Johnny Mathis the following year.
There is also a 'murder'-novel 'Twelfth Of Never', by one favorite... author James Patterson.
Unlike some, perhaps, of James' novels, this one, part of his Women's Murder....
Club series, may actually contain some fun! !

1st: Now I promised you Readers I'd end this with the '1st', NOT what...
some may have thought SHOULD have been the last.
The '1st', like the '7th' & the '10th' were for me, IS to me so obvious, and...
writing about it will be easy & FAST.
It's because I always associate myself with April 1st, here in the...
U.S., often referred to as April Fools' Day.
I see now what I 'never remember'! It is '..Fools'..', not '..Fool's..';
it DOES NOT JUST refer... to ME, ...I'm somewhat SAD to SAY!

[[ I really REALLY wanted a 'Day' named just for ME! ! Rats! ]]

(July 5th,2023)
(edited, taking an hour or so, July 6th,2023)

bri edwards


** ramble
intransitive verb
'To move about aimlessly: synonym: wander.
To walk casually or leisurely.
To follow an irregularly winding course of motion or growth.'

*** give in
phrasal verb with give
to finally agree to what someone wants, after refusing for a period of time:

Friday, July 7, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: zombies,lies,civic holiday,patriotic,freedom,second,life,baseball,space,music,songs,singing,senses,psychology,death,religions,religion,war,military service,remembrance,politics,crime,government,japan,europe,middle school,high school,college,commandments,neighbors,time,being late,santa claus,murder,stories,teacher,learning
** I tried to find, online, a CLEAR statement of how to write 'I liked the 5th dimension, a musical group.' Should I write 'I liked the 'the 5th Dimension', a musical group.'.....OR 'I liked 'the 5th Dimension', a musical group, ...Or 'I liked 'The 5th Dimension', a musical group'? ? ? FURTHERMORE....I HAD, really, [I THINK] written a long, quite poetic Poet's Notes in which I talked of poets using skill and creativity to entertain and sometimes educate, humor, or maybe even frustrate some readers. Have I done any of THAT? I sincerely hope I have. 'Wake up! ! I am talking to YOU! ! ' bri
Bri Edwards 07 July 2023

ATTENTION, ATTENTION, READERS: Finally this poem has showed up! But why, oh why am I complaining? I'm NOT complaining; that is JUST what you thought! !

0 0 Reply
Bri Edwards 07 July 2023

Two important things, as the poet of this, I now 'must' say.1- There IS (at least) one word I left out, in error. HINT: It's missing from the '11th Hour'-stanza. (continued)

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Bri Edwards 07 July 2023

(CONT.) 2 - Regarding what my 'Topics' are: I got frustrated trying to get my poem 'published' here for YOU to see. Therefore I reserved the MANY topics I'd chosen, until the poem was already on PH; (cont.)

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Bri Edwards 07 July 2023

(cont.) I had chosen SO MANY topics that I guessed it might slow down PH's 'process', so I only entered, as topics 'zombies' and 'lies'. The only lie first processed IS the topic called 'lies'. : ) SURPRISE! ! !

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Bri Edwards 07 July 2023

I just 'ordered' an EDIT to this poem, to add to my current 2 'topics', zombies and lies [ which ARE lies! ]. Maybe the others,35 [thirty-five] MORE will appear soon? : ) bri

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M.J. Lemon 15 July 2023

This stream of consciousness works really well. It also represents an ever-evolving poem that can be stretched whenever the impulse stirs...Don't edit a word! Just keep adding....and adding....Great verse, Bri.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 08 July 2023

Bri, this is a wonderful write! Keep enthralling the readers' community!

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Sheeya Hacks 08 July 2023

Without doubt and even without reading full I can offer ICE CREAMS with 5 Stars.

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Sheeya Hacks 08 July 2023

Though this poem is too lengthy for me to read at once. I will read the remaining part later....

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Sheeya Hacks 08 July 2023

We come into existence with five senses but I'm unsure of the origin of the additional ones you seem to possess, such as..Common/ Unusual, solely for the sake of humor.

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
Error Success