Mary Gilliam

Mary Gilliam Poems


We all know life ends,
We may not know the terms,
We may not know why or how.

I strive to be with you always.
You feel like the sun on my skin.
You smell like spring rain.
You taste like chocolate melting in my mouth.

Reality is a blade
It kills hope
Hope is a luxury
Hope is the bubbles in a bath

Like little children we all believe
The promises that we speak
The oaths and pinky swears that we all declare
We believe in happiness that we cannot compare


It's exhausting, it's never ending
It's suffocating, it surrounds me always
It can't leave well enough alone
It twist everything you do or say

They make and break us,
Big or small we all have them.
They are the clothes in our closet.

They are impossible to keep,

There's a knock on the door
Hard times are here and they are staying a while.
We make them as comfortable as possible,
Praying they will leave.

I was promised a paved path to follow
But I fell into the thicket and lost my way
I was promised smooth sailing
But I'm in a hurricane

Why don't people realize,
what they're doing,
when they ignore someone.

Don't they realize,

When she makes good grades people say, 'I wish I was as smart as her'
When she helps a random friend they say, 'she's so sweet'
When she works out they say, 'she's so strong'
(stupid, mean, weak)


Beneath my mask hides my pain.
Hides my imperfections,
My insecurities, all my flaws.

Sitting remembering,
Happy and sad times together.
Listening to love songs,
Wishing for a feeling that strong.


Demons are living in my brain.

They are evil.
They have sharp claws,

Mary Gilliam Biography

I'm just a teenager who feels that writing is a better way to vent than doing bad things. I'm fairly normal, though what is normal anyways. I write what I feel, and I read constantly. I'm a total bookworm, which people find odd. I hope everyone likes this but if not i do and that's what matters. :))

The Best Poem Of Mary Gilliam


We all know life ends,
We may not know the terms,
We may not know why or how.

But we do know the pain,
The sadness, the desolation,
We can't escape it, no matter how hard we try.

Eventually we become numb to the loss,
The pain, the depression.
We move on.
Even though it stings.

We don't know what's in store,
After we die,
But we trust in God to carry us home.
It comforts us.

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