Bri Edwards Women Poems

Why Do Men Have P*nises But Women Do Not? ....(dedicated to fellow PoemHunter member Jim McGill)

That't my question but I don't have the answer....YET.
But I've got plenty to say about it. That you can BET on!

What have I done today....
to make my wife upset?
It wasn't very much,
but troubled she did get.

Like ice cream, women can often be ….. a REAL treat,
soft and creamy and ….. oh so very sweet!
Ice cream is usually cold; women can be ‘hot’.
When women are “cold”, a treat they are NOT.


My friend's wife is almost young enough to bounce on his old knee,
and she's got a figure she can now show off in skin tight jeans.....all for free.
Well, the JEANS weren't free; they cost Karl about 10 bucks US.
While Karl ate McDonalds Thai ice cream, Urai went next door to buy a dress.

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