sarah macdonald Poems

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Embracing The Light

In the depths of our minds, emotions take flight,
A journey of struggles, our mental health's plight,
But let's find some comfort, in words sweet and true,
In this rhyming poem, we'll explore what we can do.

Whispers Of Strength: A Journey Through Mental Health

In the depths of the mind, where thoughts reside,
Mental health takes us on a turbulent ride.
A journey of emotions, both high and low,
But remember, my friend, you're not alone in this show.

A Highland Melody

In bonny Scotland's land so fair,
Where hills and glens enchant the air,
A bagpiper on highland moor,
Plays a tune that stirs the core.

Whispers Of The Soul

In the depths of the mind, where shadows reside,
A battle unseen, a tumultuous tide.
Mental health, a topic often concealed,
Yet in the realm of poetry, it is revealed.

Whispers Of The Highlands

In the land of tartan and heather so grand,
Where bagpipes play and kilts are in demand,
A Scottish rhyming poem I shall now create,
With words that dance and words that elate.

Whispers Of Love, Echoes Of Loss

In the depths of sorrow, my heart does weep,
For the loss of a love I'll forever keep.
Gone from this world, yet still in my soul,
Memories of you, like a precious jewel.

Whispers Of Loss, Echoes Of Grief

In the depths of sorrow, I find my solace,
A rhyming poem on loss and grief, I'll embrace.
When darkness engulfs and tears overflow,
Words become my refuge, helping me grow.

Whispers Of Healing

In the depths of the mind, where shadows linger,
A battle unseen, where hearts often wither.
Mental health, a journey of highs and lows,
A delicate balance that nobody knows.

Mental Health Matters: A Journey Of Healing

In the realm of the mind, where thoughts intertwine,
A journey of struggles, a battle to find.
Mental health, a delicate state of being,
A journey of healing, a path worth seeing.

Whispers Of The Heart

In a land of dreams and endless skies,
Where magic dances and imagination flies,
There lived a poet with a heart so true,
Whose words would touch the souls anew.

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