Your Life Story Poem by Walterrean Salley

Walterrean Salley

Walterrean Salley

Savannah, Ga
follow poet
Walterrean Salley
Savannah, Ga
follow poet

Your Life Story

Rating: 5.0

Daily, each pens the story
Of his own life:
Letter by letter,
Word by word.
Phrase by phrase,
Sentence by sentence.
And page by page.

Paragraph by paragraph,
And line by line -
One chapter at a time.

What will your story be?
That of triumph and victory.
Or how will your story read?
One of defeat and agony.

It matters not
The road you must trod,
Nor the hand that you are dealt.
You are given the power
To determine your fate,
And by such freedom of choice,
You navigate.
Thus, you become
The captain of your own fate.
(Revised 6/16/21.)

Joseph Anderson 09 May 2012

Frost said the road not taken made all the difference.A profound write, showing wisdom beyond your years.You are a thinker

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Hans Vr 12 May 2012

Soo true, alley, we are the captains. We do have the choice Often the easy path looks so easy but becomes difficult soon after for very long (e.g. giving in to alcohol, drugs, taking money, ....) Often the path of God looks difficult initially but becomes so easy for so long soon afterwards (saying no to things your friends do, helping a class mate who is being ridiculed, ....) I hope many people read this poem, including our teenagers. Very well done

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Captain Cur 17 May 2012

Now hold on their Sally, I had to start a mutiny and steal a ship to be Captain, and my fate will be the gallows. If I had only read your poem sooner. Richly penned!

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Dr.subhendu Kar 02 December 2016

And by such freedom of choice, You navigate. Thus, you become captain Of your own fate.oh yes there you are my lovely poetess, oh what a introspective write, as we individually are masters of gods within and maker of destiny, and govern our own fate to walk along great journey, most uplifting write,

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Valerie Dohren 24 August 2012

It matters not how straight the gate, how charged with punishment the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul - your poem epitomizes these famous lines. Excellent write.

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Lawrence H 10 June 2012

our life is just like a story in a story book. We decide what to do with our life just like a captain of a ship or plane. Well written poem.

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Sylva Portoian 30 May 2012

I agree with all your phrases... our life is a story...and every day with new weep new shout new laugh And sometimes new grace Then why people love to read stories More than poems...! ! ! Your words worth more than 10...

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Ramesh Rai 21 May 2012

You are given the power To determine your fate, And by such freedom of choice, You navigate. Thus, you become captain Of your own fate. well said. xlent. top marks.

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Walterrean Salley

Walterrean Salley

Savannah, Ga
follow poet
Walterrean Salley
Savannah, Ga
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