The Real Reason Behind Christmas Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

The Real Reason Behind Christmas

We really need to stop and remember what is the real reason
behind this time of the year and what they call the CHRISTmas season
Some people think it is time to give little girls and boys
bags of toys, and the we should celebrate because of Santa Clause
Yes that idea might be great, but here is the real reason, it is time to think and pause.
Hopefully then they can accept it and see
It is something that we can all think about and make our own choice
But pleas listen and feel the writing of this poem as if it is a soft voice
That is here trying to teach the real meaning and not up here just to preach.
Here we go and we can all find out what the truth is behind this day, and why the Lord loves us too much and why he did not let mankind fade away
Yes it is time to show him happiness and rejoice open our eyes
As we thank him for opening up the LOVE in Heaven's Skies
On this day a long time ago
The Lord sent down angel to talk to man and woman called Joseph and Mary and told them it is time to go
They listened to the Angel and loaded up there donkey without a care
In the World because they knew that they were safe and there was no reason to have a scare
Even though they traveled a from place to place and around and around
Until they came to this little Jewish town
And stop and ask a keeper of an INN, " Do you have a place for my wife to sleep
The INN keeper said, "not really but you can stay with the animals we keep; by this time they were happy that they finally found a place to stay,
They went and rested until it was time for Mary to give Birth to a baby in which the put the baby in a manger to lay
They did not know exactly what was expected for that night, but it brought sheppard keepers that followed a bright light
As they went and followed, an Angel came down and said something that had to be told
That this is the light that represented a birth of a baby boy name Christ that is only a few hours old
On that same night off in the Distance East
That light was seen by three Wise men and they knew that it meant the birth of the King of peace
They followed and followed until they reached this little town called Bethlehem with happiness and joy
Especially as they came to the manger and the little baby boy
This led them to have tears
They stay stayed and visit very little time
But they also left a small gift because they knew that father and mother did not even have a dime
Some gold, Frankincense and myrrh
They left the little town and went in different directions before Kings Herod terror could occur

By Frank Pulver Dec 24,2011

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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