The One Who Controls The Anger Is Braver! Poem by Dr.V.K. Kanniappan

The One Who Controls The Anger Is Braver!

A king desired to honor the brave man in his country,
The king with his minister went in disguise one day!

They found a man swirling his stick, trying to protect him
From around hundred people with sticks surrounding him!

The man chased all while the king was watching them.
The minister said to King, ’He is a brave man, Sir’!

The King nodded his head and proceeded further,
Next they noticed a man who was fighting with his sword!

To nearly fifty soldiers, in another place; he tried to safe guard,
He drove them all away with his might fighting hard!

‘Here is a brave man’, said the minister to the king,
‘Yes, let us see’ quietly said the king!

In the outskirts of a temple, they saw a musty elephant
Running after throwing, from its back, the mahout!

While a young man from somewhere came in rescue,
Controlled the elephant and tied in a strong post!

He must be a ‘very brave man’ said the minister to the king,
The king nodded his head and proceeded further to the palace!

They both noticed a young man standing in the midst of a crowd,
Another hefty man was scolding him angrily with abusive words!

Now and then he was moving his hands vigorously
As if he was about to beat and punish him severely!

But the young man was trying to explain with
Pleasing words without frown in his face, forthwith!

Finally the angry man realized the truth,
Apologized that he scolded him for not worth!

The king was on his throne in his court next day,
Holding the gift bag with golden coins in golden tray!

The minister asked the king whether he chose
The bravest man in his country with his choice!
The king said, ‘Look! There he comes! ’
There the man comes, seen yesterday in the angry crowd!

The minister surprised and asked,
‘Is not that man who controlled the elephant brave? ’

The king finally said, ‘Yes, but the mind with anger
Is worse than the musty elephant, what so ever!

I prefer the man, who controlled his mind without getting anger,
Convinced the other man in spite of his harsh words is braver;

Hence the reward goes to him, said the King,
He was appointed as a minister to honor him!

Dr.V.K. Kanniappan

Dr.V.K. Kanniappan

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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