Moonlit Night Poem by JENIE FRANKSAY

Moonlit Night

Rating: 4.7

The moon is up there.
Shining so bright.
I just stand and stare
such a beautiful sight.

Dave Walker 28 July 2013

Short and sweet, a wonderful poem.

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Anamika Jalan 29 July 2013

MASSES AMONG the mountains I wandered and saw blue haze and red crag and was amazed; On the beach where the long push under the endless tide maneuvers, I stood silent; Under the stars on the prairie watching the Dipper slant over the horizon's grass, I was full of thoughts. Great men, pageants of war and labor, soldiers and workers, mothers lifting their children- these all I touched, and felt the solemn thrill of them. And then one day I got a true look at the Poor, millions of the Poor, patient and toiling; more patient than crags, tides, and stars; innumerable, patient as the darkness of night- and all broken, humble ruins of nations.

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Heather Wilkins 14 September 2013

Mr. Moon is always staring down upon us watching the night skies.

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Shania K. Younce 05 October 2013

I very much do like this one.

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Vishal Sharma 13 August 2015

lovely rhyme with perfect pitch and great imaginary

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Melikhaya Zagagana 08 March 2014

I like the inspiration standing aside to this beautiful piece of poem. i can also imagine the sight that led you to the thought, dream big princess.

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Siyabonga A Nxumalo 09 November 2013

Wonderful poem dear, its complete. Siya_! !

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Nivedita Patnaik 19 October 2013

nice one...simple & read my poems too

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Ramesh Rai 16 October 2013

short n sweet. melody drifting from each diction

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