I Went Into The Wide World Poem by Gert Strydom

I Went Into The Wide World

I went into the wide world
and everywhere
where I could

stood on snow white beaches
reconnoitred the blue ocean,
hillocks and hills,

saw plains
and in the desert
white skeletons
of animals that disappeared,

encountered and learned to know people
said farewell to others
and experienced every thing
that I wanted
and still tried to keep
to that which is good,

held different banknotes
in my hand
and paid a price for a living
and took pieces out of my humanity,

when I realized
that yesterday, today and tomorrow
really are the same

with a sun that appears
and disappears at its time,
stars shining on the heavenly dome
and fleeing for the blue,

that there always are people
that cares for each other
and likes you
and that some dislikes you
who leaves pain and discomfort,

that we are sometimes happy,
exuberant, mournful
or sad

and try too hard
to buy every minute
of life before it passes

and that the course of life
is tied to its own time
and farewells
sometimes lies just around the corner,

that people are human
and stand
at the feet of God
for whom a thousand years
passes like a single day.

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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