A Message To My Father Poem by jerry hughes

A Message To My Father

My beloved father, the last time we met
in company with your confidant and friend Abu,
we spoke of many things.
Most importantly the history I'd lost in the
half century of not being your son.

You surrendered me for expediency
because you were a man of peace.
The circumstances of then made me who I am,
and not necessarily the son you wanted;
But that's another story.

Matt Johnston 17 November 2008

Of course I speak in ignorance but it is quite possible your father would be very proud of the introspective man you have become… and perhaps your outstanding poetry as well.

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Rachel Butler 29 November 2008

Much feeling do you words provoke as the subject is emotional to all Thank you for sharing

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T McH 15 June 2009

J, I am returning to this, as you touch so much in this as in so many pieces. t x

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Ron Flowers 21 June 2009

Jerry, this is a sad poem, but also a happy one to some extent. You've apparantly righted the ship. Some never do. Ron

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fleur de lys 28 July 2009

Awesome and moving poem Jerry, makes one wonder at the full story.

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Noreen Carden 28 November 2014

Jerry I enjoyed reading this poem. It is well written and if true has given a glimpse into your personal story.

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Hans Vr 24 October 2014

A huge number of feelings flow out of these few lines into the heart of the reader. This is poetry at its best.

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Matthias Pantaleon 10 October 2012

Wonderful lines here from jerry hughes

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Wang Qian 09 September 2012

A great poem ~ Thank you for sharing~ and that makes me think deeply about the big world with father~

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Prince Obed de la Cruz 03 August 2010

if you wrote this with the right emotion..... applause for you sir.... keep writing!

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jerry hughes

jerry hughes

a citizen of the world
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