Joseph James Breunig 3rd Poems

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Poem: On The Road To… Emmaus?

Have times really changed that much,
since the crucifixion of The Christ?
People still discuss personal opinions,
looking to find meanings within life -

Poem: Temptations

Why is it, that the vilest of temptations
seek to violate my mind, during moments…
of weakness, solitude and prayer time?
Is it not enough that my inner person

Poem: No Separation With Salvation

Nothing… that occurs within our daily lives,
despite the endless flow of pain and sorrow,
will separate us from the eternal love of God,
regardless of events - be it today or tomorrow.

Poem: Destiny Helpers

Many have heard that "No man is an island."
And over most circumstances, no one has control.
So I ask you… "Have you found purpose for your life? "
"With your identity, are you fulfilling your role? "

Poem: Tears Of Contrition

Circumcise my sinful heart completely,
cutting away the unnecessary leaven;
give me Christ's aching heart for others,
that they may hear the message of Heaven.

Poem: Rejoice In Everything!

O Lord, my God and Heavenly King,
my heart continues to rejoice;
for You alone are worthy of praise!
I honor Thee with my poetic voice.

Poem: Transformation

O Lord, I know in my heart,
that I can be truly transformed
from impure and tainted thinking,
when my spirit is daily reborn.

Poem: Religious Exercise

One sure way to escape sin's perdition
is to be not trapped by human tradition
that hinders the outpour of God's spirit,
when searching for one's heavenly lift.

Poem: Called To Worship (Ix)

Know that your brokenness can be healed
and that your wholeness can be restored.
Reaffirm your divine covenant today,
by completely trusting upon the Lord!

Poem: Release Yourself

Release yourself from haughty thoughts,
since God's foolishness is wiser than you;
His wisdom and knowledge transcends time,
unlike the limitations of the Human view.

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