Esther Ayala

Esther Ayala Poems

Today my life began, but some say I’m not a real person yet,
Yes they say only Mommy exist, because me they have not yet met.

I’ll always treasure our Friendship,
Cause it means so much to me,

We’ve been through a lot, Huh? You and Me-
More worse times than good, then I could possibly see.
But with each troublesome times that we had,
I learned to take and refine and polish it up as Gold-

This Boy has grown up into a young man
Beautiful in appearance
Gorgeous and built to every girls eyes
That is left in a trance.

Death waits for no one
But death where is your sting?
Even though we completely understand the reasons why,
death continues to silence us all, as we sigh.

As for the Bride and the Groom

Let it be the beauty inside that you shall see,
No less, no more, sufficient it will come to be.

Thank you for all the things you done
throughout the years that you have shown,
Yes, Appreciation within my heart
I hope you’ve known.

I often close my eyes and think of you,
Yes, strenght of beauty that shines right through.

Blocking ones you know is cruel and I'll tell you why, ...
for its within yourself you teach yourself to die.

Your Friendship is more than you could ever know,
more than I could ever show.

If you don't forgive me,
I'll apoligize from my hear.

As I looked down from a hillside view up above,
What I see is beauty in disguise, a world far from love.
Glistening lights that shines so bright,
In a sad world, living with such fright.

I think of a dictionary when I think of you,
Many words and many thoughts,
Intelligent, sweet and true.

I will always remember you and I,
The way it use to be
I can see it so clear like picture’s you can see.

If I were to choose a man, he would be like you,
In the many different facets that you hold true.

I have a flower, Yes I have picked a beautiful flower,
One with greatest strength like a tree with mightiness and power,

When life is hard to bear,
And the Sun in your eyes become obscured
Close your eyes and see God's Loving care.

An accident in the darkness that kills them all!
A story that separates ones between a wall.

It can bring silence by force,

We can Make Memories into a Beautiful Gold,
As we live with each other to behold.

For the beauty of life quickly shrinks out of sight,

What a fine treasure to have you as a Friend,
A treasure indeed to keep till the end.

By being so kind, yes in you

Esther Ayala Biography

I live in the United States. My interest is in Art and writing poems about people who inspires me. I'm 45 years old, I like talking to people about the Bible's hope. I love to read good poems from others too. I love animals.)

The Best Poem Of Esther Ayala

An Unborn Child's Poem

Today my life began, but some say I’m not a real person yet,
Yes they say only Mommy exist, because me they have not yet met.

But just like a small crumb of bread is yet truly a bread,
My Mommy is and so am I, so they once in the Bible have read.

Yes for even when I was made in secret,
God saw even the embryo of me,
In a fear-inspiring way, I am wonderfully made,
even now to be.

Just think in a year or so, I shall be laughing and later talking,
Mommy and Daddy will be the first to see me walking.

Only 20 days, but my heart is beating on its own,
Gently beating, whispers of a lovely tone.

I am to be a girl, with blond hair and blue eyes,
I am growing a bit every day, and becoming very wise.

I want to learn to sing and dance,
To giggle and love at every chance.

To make Mommy and Daddy very proud of me,
When I become a young lady to be.

When I graduate, I want to be an artist or maybe even a scientist,
I know Mommy would support me, even if I pick another one on my list.

Tup-tup, tup-tup, are you listening Mommy to the whispers of my heart,
Suddenly today I feel differently on my part.

I scream with silent tears, “No Mommy I’m not ready to come on out,
I wonder if she hears my little shout.

I love you Mommy, I need more time to be with you,
I love you Mommy, Do you love me too.

I want to get married, and have my own kids to love and to hold,
To treat you nice and take care of you when you and I grow old.

My hopes and dreams disappeared in a instant and suddenly without a thought,
Mommy did not stop to think how very hard for my life I did fought.

Yes today I took my last little breath, never to have a chance to see,
The possibilities that I can be, Because today was the day that my Mommy killed me!

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