Ray Hansell Poems

Hit Title Date Added
What Happened To Us

What happened to the love?
That we use to share
What happened to the days?
When we use to care

Being Alone

Alone in a restaurant
Alonr in the park
Alone in the day
Alone in the dark

A Devastating Loss

Two little children
Born premature
Their survival
Was unsure

Self Maintenance

Perhaps you are alone
Sitting in your home
The future unknown
Is your future your own?

Not Always Bright

Some days it's cloudy and overcast
Some days the sun shines bright
But we must all always remember
That we can't always stand in the light


When you say your prayers tonight
Just before you turn out your lights
You'll say your prayer to the Lord above
To watch over the one's you love

The Creator

When I am in trouble
When everything goes wrong
I turn to the person
Who can help to make me strong

Never Losing Hope

Listening to the rain
Falling from the sky
Sitting here alone
Asking myself why

People Of The Night

I thought I'd sit down to write
A poem about the people of the night

Outside it's dark and eerie

A Summer Rain

A summer shower cools the day
As a rainbow paints the sky
I watch the clouds high above
As they drift on by

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