Prabhakar Subramaniam

Prabhakar Subramaniam Poems

It is where lies come readily

Without any prompting

When the lights blow out

Urchins erupt in joy

A wall not seen as a wall

Is the one difficult to pull down

We, devotees, were asked
To go through a metal detector,
Frisked for belt-bombs
Our bags were searched


Silence is not always consent
It could be a loss of words
Even a loss of faith in words
Perhaps, a pause, for something else

The night flickers
As tantalizing as a
Half-remembered dream
With its mosaic

When the earth turned
As infirm as the sea
Little was left standing
Of hubris or faith or hope;

What are the Greeks to us
Or we to the Greeks
That we should weep thus
For them; our fate is mirrored in theirs - -

There were fewer farmer suicides
Last year than in the previous year
The crime records bureau report said
Only 1980 took their lives in 2014


Between the make-believe home
And the waves
Only tiny little fingers
The sea knows the child

Death stopped me at the door
Went away without answering the questions
I could only throw at what he left behind - -
That is not who he was

It's only when you have to leave
That you most want to stay
Stay back to grieve
Over that which never can stay - -

With this song
I keep playing
I often think
I can stop time

It's so hot the trees
Are still sweating leaves
Showing up the sun
For what it is

Someone doesn't want the earth
To give up its dead
For the dead, he knows, do tell tales
That will nail the lies of those

With a child in the arms
The world is full of wonder
It's like looking at a tree
Before it was named

The fall hasn't erased
The smile of the buddha head
The dark face
Doesn't show


Who doesn't want to die

When he is so happy


How life-like, the dream is
How dream-like, life is
How unadorned, truth is
How dandy, the lie is

Let's not go there
I know where
That comes from
Frisson, frisson

The Best Poem Of Prabhakar Subramaniam

Telephone Booth

It is where lies come readily

Without any prompting

As there are no eyes

To belie the words

No eyes before

To see through them

Like a quick scene change

Without resort to props

It turns into a college

A tuition centre

A classmate's house

A movie theatre

You cannot but worry for your daughter

When you watch a college girl

Tell her mother

That she'll come late

As she has special classes

Then hop onto her boyfriend's pillion

Urging him to drive fast

'Or we'll miss the opening song! '

Next time the guy comes with another girl

When you tell the first one

She breaks down

'He said he could not live without me! '

Sometimes the youths carry on fake conversations

While trying to hit on you

'You are plump in a very desirable way'

(When I know I am fat and fighting it):

Every night before I close up

I tidy up the place

But cannot sweep away

The lies heard all day.

Prabhakar Subramaniam Comments

Fabrizio Frosini 24 July 2015

About your poem ''DALMATIAN'': [..] taking one single moment of a personal experience, [..] IT speaks about a universal reality.. A VERY GOOD POEM. Thanks for sharing, Prabhakar Greetings from Italy

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