You Are Your Own Best Friend (You May Or May Not Relate To This) Poem by Melvina Germain

You Are Your Own Best Friend (You May Or May Not Relate To This)

This title states, you are your own best friend. However, having said that, we know there are many of us that can also say...I'am my own worst enemy. Sometimes we are the ones to come down hard on ourselves. We look in the mirror and all we see is darkness surrounding us, up, down, all around. We see no light shining through. We are often filled with anxiety, fall into depression, become extremely insecure and may find ourselves in a paranoid state of confusion. We hang on to, low self esteem, we don't trust ourselves and often allow others to do for us. We have developed a situation continually pressing low. Giving up on ourselves is vividly apparent and self loathing has seeped within.

Many say, I believe in God, so I ask the question, does it not state somewhere in the Bible that we are created in his image. Well I dare say, anything I mentioned above would certainly not compare with the image we are taught about God. After all, God is a magnificent being, so where is your magnificence. But you, have become your own worst enemy and fear, anxiety and depression has become a part of your soul for whatever reason. We have allowed our hopes and dreams to stand still as if cemented in a place and never comes forth.

Through all of your darkness, you find time to pray for others, wishing them well, asking for help on their behalf. When did you last pray for yourself, really got on your knees, brought your hands together and took that quiet time to be with your Father in Heaven. When was the last time you did that for you. Let me ask you some questions...Do you congratulate you...Do you smile at you...Do you become happy with you. Do you realize how beautiful you are...Do you love you...Do you realize your power...Are you ready to experience infinite happiness.

One of my quotes states and I wonder, does it fit you...You will do for others, but you never have time to do for you. Is it possible, you rest too much on the negative and your self loathing told you over and over again, you do not deserve the same things you pray for, for others. We have come to appreciate others but consider ourselves unworthy. We worship the ground they walk on but we are sinking in the mud. Well, we have our highs and lows and unfortunately the lows far exceed the highs.

What are we lacking, we do want to be as good as the next person. You know it's really foolish but some think...if I make the other person look bad, perhaps I will shine and look good to others. Well the realization comes forth when you see that you have dug another hole for darkness to lay in within self. Now your self loathing becomes more entrenched in your soul where another demon shows its face. The demon of vile behavior to others, hurting others, deceiving them, exposing them to danger, you become mentally and perhaps physically abusive. The reality's that self loathing that is coming forth, though you are stringently in denial.

Now you self medicate, it might be alcohol, drugs, street or prescription, one or all. You point blame continually, it's never your fault and only negativity finds your thoughts. To say it boldly, you become a real pain in the ass. Well, I always say, you never know what's on the road ahead and lo and behold you have an epiphany in the still of the night. You get up and gaze in that mirror, taking a long look at yourself, you see the years piling up on your face. You feel pain in your body that you've never felt before, you take your palms and pat the extra flab around your belly that formed from your lack of exercise. While gazing at yourself in the mirror, questions come to mind...Who are you...where did the time go...what have I accomplished...Where am I going and you ask yourself out loud...What have I done to me? ? ?

Through these sober moments, you tell yourself, you want to change and you reach out. Well now, could this be the door opening where you realize you must care for you. Help is on the way, people see that you are making a concerned effort to make change. All that you were lacking is coming forth like thunder. Friends uplifting you, family having a renewed faith in you, pouring their love upon you. A new day, a bright light, you look to the mirror and while standing there, this time words come to mind and you smile while you think of them and voice them out loud. 'I Love You', then you look away and repeat, 'I Love Me'.

All of a sudden, you are jumping, laughing, waving your arms about. This is you beginning a new life, you know the struggle is not over, with fortitude and tenacity, you realize you have the elasticity to stretch beyond and reach for that rainbow. You are deserving, you are worthy and with your new found, love of self, you have truly become your own best friend. Well, there's much to do along the road of success. Now you must be consistent and must become resilient. There will be lows but you will bounce back, you'll fall but you will rise up, you can shake your head, smile and yell, let's try again.

Look in the mirror please, one more time...Ask yourself out loud...Who is your best answer, I'am...Do it again and again. Now ask yourself, who do you love and answer, Me...Repeat, I Love Me, I Love Me, I Love Me. Remember you are what you think, so you will act accordingly when you love you.

When you take a look back over time, you ponder. I reached out for help, I cried, I laughed, I celebrated, I fell and I got up and best of all, I introduced myself to my best friend...ME. You have found
the formula, that brings you peace, love and happiness. You are walking on solid ground. It took awhile but you built your foundation and now you have what you want to share with others, 'LOVE'...Loving yourself was the answer to all the pain and heartache. 'YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND' By: Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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