The Sea

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Big as love, Hugged by the sky, Generous by its giving, All swim in its belly, Out of all dirt directed to him, It renews itself, It's been clean since it was created, By its side, To the desperate, The soul gets lovely and hope too, All ships sail in it, All passengers cross it worldwide Seeking freedom in new realms and A new life, Waves come and go like an eager lover, Its salty water has the sweetness of its Soul, If it goes mad, then It's a big thing, All people benefit from it contains Including pearls and all that is pretty, Its waves are like mountains, It has great waves cross into pretty Countries, Its waves are like curls, On its shores everything is thrown over There, On its sands, A lot of foam end over there, Its air is fresh, Ships and steamers are like kids' toys Floating like pieces of paper weightless, Its Great Creator - The Almighty God - is Seen in everything, Sometimes a coward desperate commits Suicide in it, Sometimes the fleeing refugees die in a Death that is waiting for them, We think it's endless, It smiles, It's one of God's wonder, It has many sports in it, It has diving, it has floating, and it has The butterfly's swimming, It contains a lot of fish in it, It contains sharks, dolphins, whales, soles, ..., ..., other kinds of fish, It contains the sea grass, the jellyfish, And rocks that look like high mountains in Its depths, Earthquakes and volcanoes, and all that is Unknown inside it, There is a nominal Rock of Suicide near it, There is a Fares' diving point amid it, There is the pretty Kournich, The restaurants on its sides, I remember Abu Al-HAUR, Yousef, Rami, Gogo And others, I remember the sight of the Hubleble near It, I remember the pretty scene of the asea, The pretty light of the moon is reflected On it, Everything looks dwarf in it, It's big in its shape because it's God's Creation, Those who lees than God can not make a Sea like it, Praise be to God! It's one of God's greatest wonders, It's the sea, It's the sea.

This is a translation of the poem البحر by MOHAMMAD SKATI
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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