The Gypsy Girl Poem by Ralph Hodgson

The Gypsy Girl

Rating: 3.3

'Come, try your skill, kind gentlemen,
A penny for three tries!'
Some threw and lost, some threw and won
A ten-a-penny prize.

She was a tawny gypsy girl,
A girl of twenty years,
I liked her for the lumps of gold
That jingled from her ears;

I liked the flaring yellow scarf
Bound loose about her throat,
I liked her showy purple gown
And flashy velvet coat.

A man came up, too loose of tongue,
And said no good to her;
She did not blush as Saxons do,
Or turn upon the cur;

She fawned and whined, 'Sweet gentleman,
A penny for three tries!'
- But oh, the den of wild things in
The darkness of her eyes!

Sylvia Frances Chan 23 January 2024

ONE: A narrative poem that tells the story of a young gypsy girl who is trying to make a living by running a game of chance.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 23 January 2024

TWO: The poem is a commentary on the human condition and the way in which people are often willing to take risks in order to achieve their goals.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 23 January 2024

THREE: The poem also explores the idea of the outsider, and the way in which society often marginalizes those who are different. The poem is a powerful commentary on the human experience CONGRATS being chosen by Poem Hunter And Team as The MODERN Poem Of The Day

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Freni Karaluthara 15 December 2023

Dear Ralph Hodgson, I wanted to express my admiration for your poem, 'The Gypsy Girl' which encapsulates a poignant snapshot of human interactions. The vivid portrayal of the tawny gypsy girl, with her glistening gold earrings and flamboyant attire, creates a striking image.

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Kim Barney 05 March 2024

Freni, you are talking to a man who has been dead for more than sixty years!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 15 July 2024

I have given my comments as a critic: The poem is a commentary on the human condition and the way in which people are often willing to take risks in order to achieve their goals.Marvelous poem!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 15 July 2024

Excellent poem as The Modern Poem Of The Day chosen by Poem Hunter and Team. Most deserving!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 06 March 2024

The portrayal of the girl aligns with the shift in societal attitudes towards gender roles during the early 20th century. She is not passive; instead, she engages with the men, asking for a penny for three tries. Her independence challenges traditional norms.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 06 March 2024

Excellent poem, the gypsy girl is young but dares to resist her opposite sexe audience. This is before her time era.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 23 January 2024

My view as a critic, only a true Englishman could create such a Beauty, there are many moors in the England of his days.

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