The Fire You Should Set Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

The Fire You Should Set

Burn it all down.
Can you yet feel the heat off these intense flames.
Treading water is always better without the fear you might drown.
A wayward dream.
A failure in just not enough steam.
The rabbit has got stuck in a hole not so far down.
Acceptance is a gift without out a given name.
I'm telling you just burn it all down.
Something are not worth repeating.
Living this way will bring you to an early grave.
So just walk away.
Please listen to me.
I've been down this road.
Many times, many mistakes.
With a given chance it's best not to let someone else steal your dance.
Under a moonlit sky, a promise is made that you plan to keep to the very day you die.
But sometimes they have to be broken.
No matter how hard you try.
The words I'm so sorry with the intention of them not being repeated.
But if it's not working.
If the love is lost.
In the rubble from the fire you set.
You will find it again.
Change is not always bad thing.
Sometimes it gives you new purpose.
New friends, a new place, a new job, new goals and objectives.
A reinvented new you.
It not about finding your place in this world physically but instead mentally.
Motivation sometimes does run out.
I'm no stranger to depression, she visits often.
But I find I can't allow myself to be caught up in her storm.
Because it becomes a vicious cycle in which in their is no end.
Trust me when say lick you wounds keep going and don't look back.
They will mend.
You will have plenty of distractions along the way.
Just avoid becoming the god giving attraction.
Entertain no one but yourself.
A good laugh always helps.
Even a small smile will change your day.
Better out then in covers a multitude of sins.
Including illusion that you can not recover.
There is no such thing as a forever broken lover.
We will always love someone, but the who doesn't have to be same.

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