That's Freedom, That's Wisdom Poem by Hebert Logerie

That's Freedom, That's Wisdom

Give me an empty sky, an empty room
Let me speak as I please, let me roam
Fly and go everywhere that I want
Let me speak, let me talk, let me be me
Let me yell, let me smile, and let me rant
No censorship, no curfew, no control over me
Hands off me and my black steering wheel
I only and simply want to follow my own will
Leave me alone. No, I am not going to curse
Go away. Let me speak, let me rehearse
Let me hear the sound of my God-given echo
Let me sing: do, re, mi, fa, dol, la, si, and do
I am free like the wind, like the fresh air
Stay away from me and try not to dare
Because I will violate your rules
Because I am not afraid of your bulls
I have no fear; I will smile, frown, and laugh
I am not afraid to die; I am rough and tough
With all my might, I will fight fools and bullies
And disregard your bêtises and your tees
Do not try your nonsense and your tease
Do not attempt to suffocate or to appease
My anger, my objections, and my furies
Next time, I will not say please
I will not be so reasonable and so nice
I will be as black as coal, cold as ice
White as snow and red as fire
Stay away from me, let me admire
The holy masterpiece of the Almighty
Let me write and describe the beauty
Of the poor woman in the dark
Leave her alone; let her sleep in the park
Freedom is about expressing oneself boldly
Freedom is about being you, yourself. You're not me
You are you, yourself. You can never be me
And vice versa. Let me talk. You are a bully
A full-fledged dictator, a devil, and an evil person
I have every reason to speak all season
Let me fly like the bird that you've never seen
Let me shrill, let me squeal, and stop being obscene
Let me fly in the open space like a crow
Let me swim deep in the ocean like a dolphin
Let me stroll in the streets like a brave harlequin
Let me paint the sky like a rainbow
Freedom is about being right
And not being afraid to put up a fight.
That's Wisdom
That's Freedom.

Copyright © November 2017, Hebert Logerie, All Rights Reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom,freedom of speech
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