Pandemonium Poem by Mark Heathcote


Pandemonium, what is all the commotion
Let's all have a cup of tea
Let all the wild birds fly south
Don't let those devils see a single tear.
Don't give in to nightmares
Remember to wake up and dream light-years from here.

In Milton's Paradise Lost
Pandæmonium is the capital of Hell
But the little demons in me can all go to hell without me
Whirring leaves in fiery thronging swarm
Can swirl and fall without me
Because today a little winged angel inside of me is feeling very strong right now.
And she won't let me go without a fight.

Pandemonium, what is all this commotion about?
Let's all have a cup of sweet chamomile tea
Let all the wild birds fly south from me
Don't let those devils see a single tear from me.
Don't give in to nightmares, dear-
Remember to wake up and dream light-years from here.

Be a believer who can't be broken
Little angel, don't forget to keep your promise
To feed and save every lost soul from
Titanic struggles, cat claws on their red suede shoes
Little angel don't forget to keep your promise
You mustn't ever kiss the devil and then close your eyes
not even if you are scared or feel ever so slightly hypnotized.

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