Oh Ye Kiss Poem by Marien Jacobs

Oh Ye Kiss

Oh ye kiss one desire most
The sweetness of his lips
The wordless expression of his love
The hearts deepest emotion flowing
Forth in his touch.

Oh ye kiss I also fear most,
Which can collapse all fences,
Paralyzing the strongest self-control,
Weakening the mind and soul
By numbing the defenses

With you, wisdom must rule,
Vigilance and soberness!
While you’re in a slumber that forbids
It will only be a senseless fool
To wake you before time permits.

For when you’re waken
You’re urgent to grow
Forth in love, you’re pressing to flow
Hasty to bear fruit
And the clock of time becomes a volute.

Oh ye kiss, created to be so pure,
Made to be so lovely, so sweet, so sure
You, so gentle in your touch,
Which without words, can achieve so much
You so passionate to communicate love….

Oh ye kiss, which may seem so innocent,
Yet you possess the power inside
To break or to strengthen commitment.
The power to leave love empty with each stride
Or the power to let love overflow with your tide.

May we handle you gentle, with wisdom and care,
Always see you through eyes of love that we share,
And may we find you in right season
Guided by our Holy Creator and His reason,
So that your passionate love may purely flow forth.

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