O Body Of My Youth Poem by Tonimario Onyedika Oboshi

O Body Of My Youth

Oh great body of my youth
You were not designed to last
Yet daily you give that hope
And more visions to let me cope
That my beauty spreads so fast
And no wrong bill shall I foot

O body of young me growing up
Exploring all capacities, opening windows
Exalting this nimble spirit that I am here
To be eternal and nothing shall wear
But some day I could not feel my toes
Wondrously hearing someone call me Pop

O deceiving being, ever deluding
Committing my mind to the present ever
Calculating more the time I would be young
Never thinking it won’t be so long
Before my wrinkles show; very clever
And grasping reality, time must elude me

O beauty and youth, never deciding
To stay on as much as I ever wished
But age by age their story is repeated
But only heeded when one is repented
Or worse seeing aging haplessly unleashed
Gravediggers around you, quietly arriving

O ever controlling age and beauty
Perpetual deceivers of mind and mystery
Keep this reminder in the faces I daily see
That this body was never destined or
Fully designed to last forever
That I may capture it as much as I daily can

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Tonimario Onyedika Oboshi

Tonimario Onyedika Oboshi

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