My Happiness Poem by Nancy Chanthakoun

My Happiness

If I weren't afraid, I would destroy you
I would push off a bridge and watch you drown
I would lock you in your car and watch it burn, only to see your skin boil and crackle from the flames

Because of all the trouble around me and you're to blame
You don't deserve to live, like everybody else in the world
But if I were to choose who to die first, you'll be the one

If I weren't afraid, I would watch you die with a smile on my face
I would laugh with glee from the torture you deserve
Joy would burst through me to do the honors of ending your existance
I would love to see you get electrocuted and bite off your tounge from the pain

I want to hurt you so bad, it's hurting me

I just want to grab you big head and ram it against the wall
I want to see the blood squirt out just like little balls
I know I shouldn't talk about your death like it's a game
But letting you live and continue your life would only put me to shame
I can practically see your face, all hidden in fear
Afraid what will come next from what you will hear
But you should be glad about this thing called the laws
Apperently you can't commit murder without hiding the flaws

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