Much Ado About Nothng Poem by David Whalen

Much Ado About Nothng

Just picture this:
Our solar system with it's Sun and its planets
The delicate dance around that the planets do
Now imagine an incredibly massive hair net
That holds all together like celestial super glue

Now try to conceive of the vast distances/space
between even the closest...or the most far
and how they race at breakneck pace
in lockstep about our star

Step back if you would...outside of our realm
You'll see our part of the cosmos as simply a sphere
A round vesicle vessel with who knows what at the helm
And no need of a helmsman or rudder to steer

What I've just described:
Is naught but a rude, crude similacrum
Of the further digression of what I'm trying to say
That I hope will be obvious to some (and hopefully many)
Who take the time to bear with me today

I'm going to ask you:
Now to take note of a fantastic thing
The amazing similarity of things so dissimilar
You might have to let your imagination take wing
And take total leave of everything familiar

Imagine the smallest of the small:
Then imagine it many million times smaller still
It to, is a universe in it's own right
It to, like ours, has a centre (nucleus) as all universes will
and like ours can even produce light (excited electrons)

Let us take this comparison even further:
with poetic license let's call this it's Sun. Ok?
about which negatively charged particles (planets?)
Rotate in precise orbits in a very planetary way
and are held tight in a circle..(remember the hairnet?)

Now let's throw distances into the mix:
Imagine the distance from the Earth to the Sun
It's all mostly empty vast space wouldn't you agree?
Well It's the same for the tiny atom
That makes up everything. (for now, think you and me)

Now let's consider unimaginably empty space:
It is the basic component both of universes and atoms
And since everything including us, is composed of things atomic `
and has been since the days of Eve and Adam
I'll get to my point...and my point is anatomic!

Let's bring this tiresome diatribe to an end:
By realizing That atoms (meaning you and me)
Are mostly nothing and that's a bit humbling
we're naught but egos...noisy...but empty
just souls made of holes in empty space


Saturday, September 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life
David Whalen

David Whalen

Covington Kentucky
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