Mending Heart Poem by Randy McClave

Mending Heart

If the world is coming to an end
Then this goodbye to all I must send,
As I look outside at the sun bright and shining
The universe is already aligning.
I will now say goodbye to my friend.

They say that these are the end of days
So, unto mighty God I send him my praise,
I am prepared to go today or at anytime
Against no one have I ever committed a crime.
I had stayed vigilant in morality's ways.

I have truly followed all of Jesus's teachings
I have even done the Lords preachings,
Never to no person deliberately have I lied or cheated
Never have I broke my word and had it repeated.
Nor have I ever seeked gain or profit through Leechings,

Never have I ever robbed or stole
Thanks to God my soul is still whole,
And many times when I met a stranger
I saw them as an Angel and I helped them out of danger.
And we figuratively shared the same bowl.

Of course I have been used and also tricked
And many times I was placed in conflict,
But, to help others I did my very best
And in heaven one day I will find my peace and rest.
Pain and hurt unto others I could not deliberately inflict.

If our world is truly coming to its ending
Peace and love to one and all I am happily sending,
And I will say this with certainty with boast and pride
I truly hope to see you on the other side.
Until then my heart is still mending.

Randy L. McClave

Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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