Magnitude 5.7 Poem by Kim Barney

Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit

Magnitude 5.7

Rating: 5.0

I could have been killed this morning.
My first thoughts were that someone
was in my bedroom walking around

and making no effort at all to be quiet.
I turned on the lamp, but no one was there.
Confused, I got up and checked other

rooms in the house because I was sure
that someone had been making some
noise, but the house had nobody

who didn't belong. Later I discovered
that there had been a strong earthquake
not so many miles away, near a city

called Magna. Some schools have been
damaged, with bricks even falling off
the walls. Trailer homes have had

severe damage, with front doors that
no longer will close, shifted foundations
and cracked walls. The Salt Lake City

International Airport is closed, with no
flights arriving or departing, all due
to a broken water main that has caused

copious flooding. On the Salt Lake
Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints, the statue of the

Angel Moroni had the trumpet shaken
off. I don't know if it was found, or if
someone ran off with a bit of gold!

In my living room, a plastic container
that had been in the middle of a chair
last night was found this morning on

the floor about six inches away. I can't
see any damage to my house, yet I look
at the bookcase right above the head

of my bed, made of three shelves and
six heavy stone blocks, and I think
that I am lucky to still be alive.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: earthquake
Ordinary May 16 March 2021

Very interesting that you felt the subtle earthquake waves during sleep. And how the mind translated these 'unknown' vibes to more familiar 'fear' archetypes! Thank God you survived from both evils! And thank you for this spontaneous sharing!

1 0 Reply
Smoky Hoss 24 March 2020

Glad that you are alright! ! !

2 0 Reply
Kim Barney 25 March 2020

Thanks, Smoky! I hope that you and your family are all right as well! God be with you and keep you safe in these troubling times!

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Cynic . 18 March 2020

The site's owners are not poets. At best, ignorant capitalists. Dorwnhill it goes, yet some hang on. (Especially the obviously favored South Asians.) (Not their fault) Lazy, greedy! A shame.

5 0 Reply
Kim Barney 18 March 2020

Thank you for the comment. The site's owners are Turks. They say they are based in Paris, but who knows for sure? They do not care about our preferences. Mine say that I do not want videos on any of my poems, but they attach them anyway!

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Kim Barney 18 March 2020

Why doesn't the picture show up?

6 0 Reply
Kim Barney

Kim Barney

I was born in a bank - - my mother went there and made a deposit
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