Kick Off Those Shackles Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

Kick Off Those Shackles

As I live here in a place that holds me down in shackles,
I know that the faith in the Lord is the Key to my salvation and it will set me free.

We deal with stress in this world daily and we have troubles dealing with it.
We search for ways to help us lead a stress free life.

The only life that was stress free was the life of Jesus Christ.
He showed us by living a life that was full of stress.
He was a servant of the lord and he prayed to the Lord to keep his life whole.
He always looked towards the Light full Grace and by him doing this it kept him calm and believing in the Lord.
This is why I know that Ican kick off those Shackles, because he loves me and you.

I pray daily for his guidance and to keep me to lead a life that Christ would live.
My prayer s are for everyone that know him and for especially for the ones that do not know him.
I hope that they see the light and how he is there to help us to follow that narrow path.
We all have wounds in life because of our actions and He is medicine to for our wounds in life.
By us trying to be like him we can make it down this path.
We should also live through him by using his heart and eyes to make the right choices. By us doing this it will let us make choices by using our heart to think for us at times.

The example of this is in the book of John Chapter 18.
This shows the stress that Christ dealt with was him knowing about the finale days on earth.
He remained calm while all of this was going on.
He knew that his was near and that he accepted what the lord had planned for him.
The way that Judas was there and betrayed in to the soldiers and how Peter denied him not once but three times and how he admitted to the Pharisees that he was Jesus and it lead him to his death
In the book of John 17 it tells how by him having faith in the Lord it helped him accept whatever came his final days.
He prayed to the lord to help keep him strong and to help keep his disciples true to their faith in the Lord. He also prays for all that believes in Him and the Lord, and the loves us as he Loved Jesus.
We need to remember this prayer that Christ said to the Lord every time that we go through hard times in our own life.
The more that we try to look thru the eyes of Christ we can see that we have problems and we try to deal with them as He would in Life.

This is why I surrendered my Life to the Lord.
He paid his life for all of my struggles in
Life and forgave me for all of my sins.
I am writing this to show everyone that I caused a lot of harm in my life and lead a lot of people to grow hatred towards me.
I hope that believing in him is not a dream, but this is reality

To some this might be a true poem but it is to me cause I wrote this as a Sermon type poem.


By Frank Pulver Jan 9,2011
Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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