Judgement Poem by Mustafa Marconi


Keep what is your
I will deal with mine
Far be it for me to expect
A meager amount of decency and fair play
We are one when it’s convenient
Struggling alone with all the financial difficulties
If I fall short then I am less then a man
You do well for yourself
But yours is yours
Not to be mistaken
The obligations are mine
I sit back and analyze
Me first behavior and downright selfishness
The examples I have manifested for so long
Have gone unnoticed and unreciprocated
You eat by yourself
Drink by yourself
And think only of yourself
While you watch me carry
The weight of the world on my shoulders
Yet you profess to love me
Keep what is yours
I will deal with mine
Far be it for me to expect reasoning
From a spoiled and self absorbed child
God bless the child who has his own
Who doesn’t store his treasures in secret
While eagerly helping others spend theirs
Accepting no obligations, any responsibilities
Displaying not even a meager amount of decency or fair play
I sit back and analyze
Seeing motherly and wifely duties blatantly ignored
You say that Jesus is your savior
That the Devil is a liar
Constantly hiding behind a veil of self righteousness
And a constant stream of Christian propaganda
Yet never met an argument you didn’t like
Preferring to embrace confusion and mayhem
Rather then use far less energy maintaining peace
I continue on enduring this abortion you call a marriage
Not able to communicate
Not able to lean on your shoulder
Not able to share my dreams
Yet you profess to love me
Squeezing all of the life blood out of me
One dropp at a time
You watch me carry the weight of the world on my shoulders
Drowning in debt
Suffocating under the onslaught of life’s responsibilities
Taking two steps forward and three step back
I buckle down and prepare for battle
Knowing that with a little help I could overcome
Witnessing life’s burdens strangling me
You comfort by applying even more pressure
But accumulating your resources
Then squandering them
By accepting no responsibilities for your actions
And maintaining that a man must pay all the bills
But in your warp world a woman cooks one meal a day
Maybe once a week
Washes clothes when there is nothing left to wear
Cleans the house less then she cooks
And always has an excuse for her behavior
If you want it clean, clean it yourself
Didn’t eat, go in the kitchen and cook
Don’t blame me because your not man enough to pay your bills
Yet you professes to love me
Constantly reminding me that we are one
Keep what is yours
I will deal with mine
Continue to think only of yourself
Our children will not stay children forever
You are right, the Devil is a liar
And you are living proof
That even the most selfish and unrighteous of men
Can convince themselves
That God has truly blessed them

Mustafa Marconi

Mustafa Marconi

New York, New York
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