Join The Race Poem by Emmanuel Arunee Mwanza

Join The Race

Like cattle fattened in the beef industries of Argentina
They are fat due to life’s wants
Still, they search for their genuine needs
They want to lose weight of such wants,
Sweating selfishness, wickedness and laziness…all that is not right; so they join a race
Coached by the wisest of all,
Not physically present though
But in a well bounded living manual,
A word of advice; use it!
How to win, simply and well illustrated in this special book;
And thus, it makes this race different to those so willing to change
For it starts differently and no one at a disadvantage
No need to give up, the prize is just so close and so huge
As the time is fast running out, don’t give up; don’t even sum up the many times you fall
Keep in shape and live in righteousness
Keep running and lose the weight
Or choose to get fat
But with love and of the light
It’s better to fail to run when you have crossed the finish line
Than fail even to move few steps into the race
The prize at stake so big to ignore
The manual has clearly put it;
The lord holds the eternal life! The bible is this cheapest manual
Don’t just be the hearers of the words but be real Christians…the doers of the words
And that’s why you have to join the race

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