In Disguise Poem by Randy McClave

In Disguise

Before you make fun of that stranger who is a Mrs or a Mr
Just pretend that they are either your brother or sister,
And before you make fun of any of them
Just pretend that the stranger was either her or him.
And when you see them begging on the side of the street,
What type of person would you want them to meet.

Before you mock that homeless person or bum
Pretend that person is either your daughter or your son,
How would you want them to be seen or treated
When by strangers they are greeted.
And when you see them standing or sitting on the street corner,
Would you want them treated like the way you treat a foreigner.

When you see that old person alone and sad
Pretend that older person is either your mom or dad,
Sadly no person around them to worry or care
But, enough people around them to laugh and stare.
I would wonder how you would want your parents seen,
Would you want them to be treated hateful and mean.

When you see that saddened stranger standing way over there
Try to show them some sympathy with love and care,
Don't hate them because they are nothing like you
Just think and read, what would our lord Jesus do.
Before you judge them or mock them, or at them cuss
Remember this, they're angels in disguise always walking amongst us.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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