Hope Inside A Bird Poem by YOSRA BAIDI

Hope Inside A Bird

He was lying on the road

After a sudden accident,

Thought he was dead

But, his heart was beating.

His friend flight down slowly,

Picked him with his tiny beak

And between his wings

Carrying him heavily

Asking him not to surrender

And fight the eminent death

Predicting a hopeful future, together,

Along the grass, between the trees.

'I'm sorry my friend'

-Answered the other bird-

' I became a heavy burden

on your shoulder

wasting your time,

losing your physical power

let me go and die away from the sky'

-said the injured bird-

'Hope is a virtue that exists

among Man, not for birds

we're helpless in front of

the supreme power,

that's why I surrender. '

'I'm sorry my friend'

-Said the pained bird-

' stay alive, fight for life

my friend, you're mercy from god

my friend, you're the one who's

going to enlighten our way by Hope

because you stood against death

and fought the supreme power

and proved that Hope

is the pursuit of life

the power by which we struggle

to reach a new-day and see

a rising sun of a future plan'

-Answered the bird's friend-

Hope Inside A Bird
Jazib Kamalvi 22 September 2020

Write comment. Such a nice poem, Yosra B. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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Unwritten Soul 25 January 2013

A very moving poem yet a motivational write, a good value and worth to read it..10! _Soul

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