Florida's Racist Policies Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Florida's Racist Policies

In the land of sunshine and sandy shores,
Where palm trees sway and seagulls soar,
There lies a state with a troubled past,
A place where prejudice was cast.

Florida, a jewel in the Southern crown,
But beneath its beauty, a darkness found.
For in its history, we see the stain,
Of racist policies that caused such pain.

From days of old, when slavery reigned,
To Jim Crow laws, where justice was strained,
Florida's path was marred by discrimination,
A legacy that still plagues the nation.

In days gone by, black lives oppressed,
Segregation ruled, hearts filled with unrest.
Unequal treatment, separate but not equal,
Florida's policies fueled racial upheaval.

From the orange groves to the Everglades,
Through cities bustling with diverse parades,
Discrimination hid in plain sight,
Affecting lives both day and night.

In education, disparities did grow,
Unequal funding dealt a mighty blow.
Separate schools, a glaring divide,
Opportunities stolen, dreams denied.

Voting rights, a battleground fought,
Suppression tactics, freedom sought.
Through poll taxes and literacy tests,
Black voices silenced, rights suppressed.

Even now, the echoes still ring,
In policies that hinder and stifle the wings,
Of communities marginalized, left behind,
As Florida's racist history continues to bind.

But let us not forget the strength and fight,
Of those who rose up, demanding what's right.
From the heroes of the civil rights days,
To activists now, changing the ways.

Florida, it's time to break the chains,
To rewrite the story, where justice reigns.
To dismantle systems that perpetuate hate,
And build a future where all can relate.

Let us strive for equality and unity,
In a state known for its sunny serenity.
May Florida rise, a beacon of light,
Where love and respect always take flight.

For the power lies within our hands,
To transform the present, shape new lands.
Let's learn from the past, break free from despair,
And create a Florida that's truly fair.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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