Easter (Eternal Promotion) Poem by Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)

Easter (Eternal Promotion)

Christ came down to forgive us for all the wrong things we do.
He came to die for us, so that we born anew.
He said, “Lord let their sins be washed away by the blood of me.”
Hopefully my Lord they will finally see.

The things must be done and there is no other choice.
Even through all the His pain, He said this in a plain voice.
As He came by the Hostile crowd, He could hear them say, “Crucify him now.”
This is the one thing that the Governor Pilate would allow.

As Jesus was led away,
He continued to see God’s way.
The soldiers whipped and the crowd spate on him.
He said, Lord please forgive them,

Because they do not know the things they do.
Even through all of the pain of the piecing nails, He still was thinking of me and you,
He laid there on the cross as His sentence was carried out,
He laid there without scream or shout.

As He took his last Breath,
God took him away to rest.
Hopefully we can all see,
The see the reason He died for you and me

Christ lived a life full of faith and devotion.
So that He would lead us to our Eternal Promotion.

Frank Pulver Mar 30,2013

Frank (popeye) Pulver

Frank (popeye) Pulver

born-(Hudson, New York) - raised-(Tampa, Florida)
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