Carlson And Skylar Poem by Natasha Muriuki

Carlson And Skylar

I was not creeping, I was simply staring and, and observing and... maybe a bit of drooling, But I was not creeping!
He browsed through magnificent photos of beaches, animals, the city and the city in the night time. His dell laptop was missing buttons and had tons of barbie and cartoonish stickers aroung the frame.
i could hear the soft murmur of my friend's voice as i focused on quite possibly the most beautiful and semi built man on earth. He looked to be fairly young, maybe in his mid twenties and through his paridot eyes, i could see a story untold.
he pressed the next button and a picture that almost shocked him rolled it's way on to the screen. A beautiful woman whoshared the same paridot eyes with black hair sat upon a rock with a teenage him.
thwe curly haired mystery guy stared at the picture and a sad smile crept on his face and stuck there for a while.
' Skylar! ' my friend called, holding my cheeks. ' did you hear me? '
I nodded. ' yea! of course! ' I said throwing my wrists in front of her face. She rolled her eyes and continued talking.
I watched as his tan hand touched the chain on his neck before he moved on to the next picture.
I moved myself from the seat i had taken, and over to the seat I had taken, and over to the seat across him.
' Hi, i'm Skylar' i smiled.
' Hi, I'm Carlson.' his eyes danced.

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