Alone Poem by Gert Strydom


For long it had been an eternal night
with just water covering everything,
with no other kind of colour or light
that did any sight or dimension bring,

the total darkness was more black than grey
and God spoke His thoughts and did life bestow,
on the newly created earth it was day
and suddenly alight the sun did glow.

All life at the will of God came to pass
the hills, lakes, great plains, valleys and upland
the green meadows, flowers, trees and the grass
but mankind was created by God's own hand.

Adam was alone needed to relate
and God created Eve, as his love and mate.


Asleep only darkness did my thoughts fill,
while I slept and was waiting on the dawn,
around me everything was very still,
not a thing moved outside on the lawn.

I waited on you to return to me,
with great hope and love to fill the twilight
as our married life was deemed to be,
to come in the morning and end the night.

I dreamt of a paradise where love did last,
where beyond perfect was all that I see,
of a place where the pain was in the past
and that we were together and happy

but awaking my life was hopelessly grey,
I lived without you in an empty day.
© Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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