Agony Poem by Muhiba Naik


Rating: 5.0

To you who relish their grief
who find a win in waste
They die too soon as men
who gather bliss in pain.

How naive these ruthless demon
Find comfort in blood-their feed
Slaying the bond of benign
they boast to conquer a land
Fertile it would be no doubt
in the midst of dead carcass

How glad they feel-these wretched
tormenting the disabled innocents
Cherishing the tears of kin
Who died a death so cold

Core goes to children of land
Born under the shower of dismay
To see not a flower in bloom
Instead a garden of dead
Who learnt to run not in play
But to take a shelter unsafe
O Creator! Do save them
Help them win this game
Axe the gloom in air
And let peace prevail!

Friday, June 10, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: inhumanity
Dr Antony Theodore 10 June 2016

How naive these ruthless demon Find comfort in blood-their feed Slaying the bond of benign in the midst of dead carcass; tormenting the disabled innocents; garden of dead; O Creator! Do save them; Axe the gloom in air..... all these expressions toched me deeply my dear poet..... yes we shall pray for peace.. and to all that we can do to promote peace....... God bless u dear poet for this great poem with noble ideas. tony

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