A Constant Reminder Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

A Constant Reminder

Just drink and swallow it down.
You'll find love again.
It might not be right away.
But eventually.
But of all the broken promises this is not one.
From the cradle to the grave, with so many of lifes experiences we do crave.
Everyday I hear the same song playing on and on inside my head.
It keeps going even when I don't want it too.
My dear friend with a broken heart and dwelling in misery.
Time to go out, time to dine on bliss.
Time to smile, time to have fun.
Oh having the time of your life.
You'll never know what you missed.
Forgetting all about the very last goodbye.
Throwing that dart at a board.
How good is your aim.
Given the distance you are doing alright.
Getting dizzy at the sight of all these bright lights.
Who knew the night life could be so exciting.
Who knew there was more to it then just going through the motions.
There's a whole ocean.
Picking the perfect poison.
The vice that allows one to escape the dullness of there mind.
One door opens another one is now closed.
A world to expose.
Taking a walk around block with no clothes in the midst of the harshest January in years.
Rising above your fears.
Conquering those long dried up tears.
Own it, bare it, express it, anyway that feels right to you.
Let those who don't understand judge.
You answer to no one but yourself.
And trust me when I say the mirror doesn't talk back.
Confident, but humble to a fault.
Self restraint when comes to getting angry and violent.
Staring up at the pitch black sky and seeing all the scattered stars.
Wondering who all might be doing the same.
No desire to blame or pick a fight.
But willing stand up when it's right.
A moral compass always pointing in a different directions.
It can get confusing at times.
A place where the only color is grey.
With the words whose to say comes to mind.
Planting the final rose.
An unsettling sense of satisfaction as you no long regret what can no longer change.
This world is full of mistakes.
Don't let them choose for you.
Instead to move the wheel and steer.
Even if the path means moments you freeze up.
Hitting a deer.
Sometimes it happens even to the best of us.
Risk is a enveloping force.
There is no avoiding it.
So might as well embrace.
A tightly held kiss.
Nothing so sweet as the fragrance she wore.
A flash of memories flood into your existence.
They are my happiness when I feel so lost.
How this letter is so well worn.
Reading it over and over again.
It means so much when possibility of touch is forever gone.
A good night sleep to ready yourself for the very next dawn.
Remembering the dream even when your in a fog.
This is my pride and joy.
This is my envoy.
Signed, sealed, and delivered.
So remember this when you think all is lost.

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