Lewis Eron

Lewis Eron Poems

Even if I could light six million lights
I could not rekindle your light
And your’s was only one
Not one in a million

In Gettysburg I walked
Amongst the multitude of monuments and marble markers
On Cemetery Ridge
Where bronze soldiers stand ready

What happens when you die?
All your friends will say “Good-Bye”
And your loved ones will cry
And someone will try

Dear God
Since we cannot abide your light
Give us a good set of sunglasses
Or better, better night vision

I'd rather write poetry than cure souls
Stringing pearls to tie my thougts in ordered rows
Than to set their fears, their dreams
As glass gems in a plate breast plate

I know I’m blessed with a low wattage halo.
At prayer, the old folks use it like a night light
Just bright enough to mark their path but not too bright
To disturb their sleep. No doubt they would choose to go

Havdalah is all about burning ones hands with hot wax
And spilling wine as the Shabbat ends
and we stop practicing perfection
and step out into the confusing confection we call creation

Some Tuesday, perhaps,
In the late afternoon,
Sitting quietly with a cup of tea
And a cookie;

Counting our blessings is not arithmetic
Sometimes subtracting is better than addition
Division beats out multiplication

Lost Keys
(To my cousin, Liz, in memory of Danny)

Do you remember that day

Dear God,
Heavenly Bookkeeper
You better not err this year.

Shabbat in Sivan starts too late
And ends too late
The sun never seems to set
Nor stars appear

A baboon has very pretty tushie
Not like ours that are fat and mushy.
His is colorful, tight and firm
Our’s like to bounce and wiggle and squirm

Little Prayers for little Jews
Pleas in God’s small claims court
Petty sins and grand nothings
No real felonies for jolly good fellows

I did not know what to say
Until I had to say it
And what I said I do not know
But never will they forget it

Don’t forget,
Old men are dangerous!
With little to lose,
And a world to gain,

Death is no mere farm hand
But an agronomist, an expert,
A planner, a bureaucrat,
God's secretary of Agriculture.

Welcome to our ICU
Our hands are clean, our scrubs are blue
Our faith is strong, our words are true
We will take good care of you

from Richard Snell Wood 1951-2010

Dickie’s dead!
Though no one called him “Dickie”

Is this the day the Lord has made? Monday?
Running back to work with Sunday’s tasks undone —
Housework, yard work and a funeral, no weekend fun
For me, still tired from Saturday’s service. I pray

Lewis Eron Biography

Rabbi Lewis John Eron, Ph.D. is presently the Jewish Community Chaplain for the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey in Cherry Hill, NJ. He is a 1981 graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pennsylvania and received his doctorate for the Religion Department of Temple University in 1987. He has also studied at Johns Hopkins, at Yale and at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Rabbi Eron has served the Jewish community as a pulpit rabbi, college teacher, and organizational administrator. He has written extensively in the areas of biblical studies, Jewish-Christian dialogue and Jewish thought and is the co-author of Bursting the Bonds? : A Jewish-Christian Dialogue on Jesus and Paul, (Orbis Press,1990) a ground breaking exploration of the founding figures of Christianity in light of contemporary scholarship and interreligious dialogue. Rabbi Eron has been a leader in Jewish-Christian / interfaith dialogue on the local, national and international level. Currently, he represents the Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association at the consultation between the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the National Council of Synagogues. He co-chairs the planning committee for the Catholic –Jewish Institute of Understanding of the Catholic-Jewish Commission of Southern New Jersey and is the chair of the Inter-faith Committee for the JCRC of Southern New Jersey. In addition to his chaplaincy work, Rabbi Eron writes poetry, children’s stories and is presently at work on a theology of Judaism. He also writes a regular column for The Jewish Voice of Southern New Jersey on the weekly Torah portion and has served as an adjunct professor of Bible at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, PA. Rabbi Eron lives in Cherry Hill with his wife, Gail Trachtenberg, and their two children, Abby and Andrew.)

The Best Poem Of Lewis Eron

Lighting A Memorial Candle For One Of The Six Million

Even if I could light six million lights
I could not rekindle your light
And your’s was only one
Not one in a million
But one of six million
Snuffed out, blown out, crushed out

“Let there be light” and the world was full of light
And your light brought light to your world
Your home
Your family
Your street
Your town
Each year
Until the darkness came
And put out all the lights.

So now I stand
Match in hand
To light a light
Not your light for you
But your light for me
To brighten my world
My home
My family
My street
My town
Each year
Until the darkness is no more
And the world is full of light.

Lewis Eron Comments

Kee Thampi 11 September 2007

A real talent poet makes scribble, it may a golden verse..... This man reallly worth to say... a inclined one. see what he writes... When the sun is swallowed by the moon And nature plays a snazzy new tune In the time of the birth Of a brand new heaven And a renewed earth

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