Frank (popeye) Pulver Poems

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-ocean Breeze-

As I look out at the ocean
As I drive down the coast,
All I can see is a little bit of white and the rest nothing but blue,
Only thing that this scene can bring is nothing bad, but to boast.

What Easter Means To Me

There is one that must be praised
That He was raised
After He died
From being crucified

Words Can'T Say Enough….(Thank You)

Thank you….
I now feel strong because I had someone to pick me up when I was down
Thank you….
For being there when others looked down on me

Love Fading Away

Even if it takes forever to see,
I want you how I feel there is between you and me.

One day you will come to know

Precious Memories

Those precious memories hidden deep down in my soul
Waiting for those memories to come clear to me and possibly unfold
It is so hard for me to remember my loving father and mother over the years
It hurts me so hard to try to remember my childhood scenes of them because it rarely appears

The Wisdom And Guidance Of God

In the very beginning of the creation of man
We started to sin
Only if we took the time to understand
That God is there always even at the times; when we do not want to let him in.

As He/She Holds Me Tight

As I lay here and hear the rain as it is falling.
It makes me feel sad, because I know the Lord hears me calling,
And I know that He feels my sadness and lonesome pain.
Sometimes it causing me to want to doubt Him but it not a gain.

Love Will Never Die

Why are there reasons of what to know or to say?
But when I see your appearance of your soul lighten the sky,
I know that the pain is going to leave,
And every will soon be okay.

Beat Of The Drum From The Ole Salvation Army

Listen oh Listen as you hear a faint the sound of horns and a strong beat,
As you start to wonder what it is, it wants to make to move around up and down the street.
This causes you to move closer until you find it and the beat of it is getting very strong,
You realize that is a band and you have people around them and you and make you feel like you belong.

Unforgettable Day

Since time has passed since that unforgettable day.
Some cry and say did it have to end in such a disgraceful way.
So many people lost everything that had in their lives,
Many lost their moms and dads and children and husbands and wives.

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