Cherry Orwell Poems

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Shades Of Black

It was for the first time, in my life
had I stressed,
About your eyes.
Those shades of black with a tint of glow,

The Letter

Compacted with her feelings,
she drove to the city
a letter in her shaking hands,
Praying, she closed her eyes,

A Piece Of My Heart

I hath loved him more than eager love's bay,
whose love for the sky shone brighter than the sun.
I hath loved him more than the oceans,
the way they showed their love for the shore.


Twinkling, shining little stars
Danced along the moon
Showing off their radiance.


Have I ever told you?
Your eyes are as beautiful as the stars,
a pair of jewels hanging on a beautiful frame.
Your smile is as pleasant as spring,

Love Me... Love Her.

If you loved me, your heart would be as sincere and pure as a heart of gold. Your view of the world would change, as your eyes shines with honesty.

If you had loved me, i would have done my very best,
to make sure,

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