Cherry Orwell

Cherry Orwell Poems

It was for the first time, in my life
had I stressed,
About your eyes.
Those shades of black with a tint of glow,

Compacted with her feelings,
she drove to the city
a letter in her shaking hands,
Praying, she closed her eyes,

I hath loved him more than eager love's bay,
whose love for the sky shone brighter than the sun.
I hath loved him more than the oceans,
the way they showed their love for the shore.

Twinkling, shining little stars
Danced along the moon
Showing off their radiance.

Have I ever told you?
Your eyes are as beautiful as the stars,
a pair of jewels hanging on a beautiful frame.
Your smile is as pleasant as spring,

If you loved me, your heart would be as sincere and pure as a heart of gold. Your view of the world would change, as your eyes shines with honesty.

If you had loved me, i would have done my very best,
to make sure,

Cherry Orwell Biography

Born in the year of 1994, Cherry Orwell has been inspired to learn and write poetry by her English teacher, Guy Morgan. She had started her passion for poetry on January,2010. Now, she currently resides in Malaysia, where the heritage and culture of the country effects her poetry.)

The Best Poem Of Cherry Orwell

Shades Of Black

It was for the first time, in my life
had I stressed,
About your eyes.
Those shades of black with a tint of glow,
attracted me,
for the very first time.

The years came back to me,
as time replays the history
of the way we met.
Had i never noticed,
until today,
your eyes......were as beautiful as the stars at night.

It was then
that you met her,
those long silky hair,
that had you lost your mind
You knew she loved you
and started a pursue.

Since then,
I hated the way you spoke to me,
the day you found out,
Those shades of black.
Cold as the ice at the north pole,
Hot as the hellfire,
Will we be friends again?
It makes me ponder, the possibilities,
if you hadn't known.

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